Book of Mormon study: Promise of improved school work


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Hi all,

I'm new here, though a generations old Mormon, lol.  My names Jason, I'm the membership clerk in our ward here in PA.  Anyways, I'm looking for a quote that I know I heard some years back pertaining to a promise given to students that if they will make the Book of Mormon a part of their daily studies that their school studies would improve.  Does anyone remember this?  I can't remember who said it and Googling has failed me.


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I recall hearing something like that, but I'm unable to find the backup for it as well.  I thought it had been about attending Institute, but this is the most similar thing I can find.


“If you are a single college student, I ask you to make participation in institute a priority. Married students and other young adults are also welcome and encouraged to attend. Think of it. Friends will be made, the Spirit will be felt, and faith will be strengthened. I promise you that as you participate in institute and study the scriptures diligently, your power to avoid temptation and to receive direction of the Holy Ghost in all you do will be increased. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it. That is a promise which I leave with you.”
President Thomas S. Monson (April 21, 2009)

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I've never heard anything of the sort, nor do I believe it.  


I do remember a talk from Elder Eyring when I was in college where he encouraged college students not to do their studying on Sunday.  He was very careful to say that avoiding study on the Sabbath would not improve your grades, and might even potentially put you at a disadvantage to your classmates.  But not to worry about that, your life would be better for it.

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I've never heard anything of the sort, nor do I believe it.  


I do remember a talk from Elder Eyring when I was in college where he encouraged college students not to do their studying on Sunday.  He was very careful to say that avoiding study on the Sabbath would not improve your grades, and might even potentially put you at a disadvantage to your classmates.  But not to worry about that, your life would be better for it.



AKA, Moe can't find it on Google either.

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I can't tell you where to find it, but I have heard the same thing. It was from a long time ago though. But, even if you can't find the quote I'm sure that it would be a good practice and I'm sure that Heavenly Father would bless you for being obedient!

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This is the Eyring talk. In it he says:

"I cannot promise academic success or perfect families. Nor can I tell you the way in which He will honor His promise of adding blessings upon you. But I can promise you that if you will go to Him in prayer and ask what He would have you do next, promising that you will put His kingdom first, He will answer your prayer and He will keep His promise to add upon your head blessings, enough and to spare."

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