M. Russell Ballard - Sunday p.m Session

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Most of experience periods of our life where tranquil waters are appreciated and sometimes waters that are like the rapids


Some face a crisis of faith when faced with life’s doubts.


Stay in the boat


The church is the old ship Zion.  Let us stay in it.


Let us stick to the old ship and she will carry us safely into the harbor.


We are on the old ship Zion and God is at the helm.


How do we stay on the old ship Zion?


We need to experience a continuous conversion.


The experienced water guides today can be likened to the church apostles and prophets and auxiliary leaders.


Those that leave the old ship  Zion face long term consequences.


The leaders of the church do not live in a bubble. They have lived their lives and have experienced many things and have witnessed many things around the world.


They see and experience the world in ways that many don’t realize.


The leaders are not out of touch with our lives.


Always wear a lifejacket and hold on with both hands.


The counsel of the leaders will act like a spiritual lifejacket.


Search the scriptures diligently so that we might know the word of God.


We should focus on learning, living and loving the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Stay focused on these simple things and avoid becoming distracted.


Many have lost their focus on the central truths of the gospel.


If we keep our eyes focused on the Lord we are promised blessings without measure.


Sometimes we tend to focus on the appendages and not on the fundamentals.


The leaders understand that there are times that members have questions regarding the gospel.


The important questions should be what matters most.  


Stay in the boat.  Use your lifejackets. Hold on with both hands. Avoid distractions.


If anyone has fallen out of the boat, we shall find you and pull you back onto the old ship Zion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are at the helm.

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