Richard G. Scott - Sunday p.m. Session

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Because of Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil was introduced into the world.


We are blessed with agency which is our ability to make decisions and be accountable for those decisions.


We are able to understand peace because we feel turmoil.


Father in Heaven knew this. It was part of His plan.


We live in trying times.


Each of us are aware of our own temptations, struggles and pain.


We knew we would face the evils of the adversary.


Despite the hard times in life we must take the time to exercise our faith.


Heavenly Father has given us tools for us to exercise our faith.


4 Tools to exercise faith:


Prayer - Choose to converse with your Father in Heaven often. Make time everyday to share your thoughts and feelings with him.  


Family prayer should be a non negotiable priority in your life.


Study the word of God in the scriptures and the words of the living prophets


Scripture study - Make the scriptures a part of everyday life.


You may need to reorganize your priorities.  Do it!


Peace won’t come from the outside world.  It will come from within your home and from your own heart.


Challenges are an important part of mortality.


Weekly Family Home Evening - Don’t make it just an after thought.


The gospel should be taught both formally and informally.


Use it to strengthen family bonds.  To develop family traditions.


More importantly to have a marvelous time together.


Go to the temple - There is no more peaceful place than in the temple.


Don’t let anyone prevent you from being there.


If you have not gone, make yourself worthy to go.


The temple is one of the best places to go to understand the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ.


These 4 tools are fundamental habits for securing your life in the atonement of Jesus Christ.


When we are doing these things we are accepting His invitation to “Come Unto Him.”


We came to mortal life to grow from trials and testings.


The atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible to endure those challenges.


When we come unto Him we can overcome every challenge that we face.

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