This girl in my young women's is.... I don't know what to do with her!


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I am 14.32 years old and I am confused. There is a girl in the Laurel class, her name is ironically Laurel. She first moved in and I thought she was my age so I am all welcomy and she is very silent. Then when she left comments during sunday school the spirt was just filled in the room. She rides in the same car as me to girls camp. And se talks the whole time (Im okay with that though.) and it turns out he is extremely smart... Extremely she can do everything. No lie! She even got out a harmonica and started to play but t mat have annoyed the driver so the other girls and I were trying to ask her questions to make her stop. So we get to camp and set up shop. When done we have 3 hours of free time, that whole time Laurel and I sit down as talk. Somehow we go off about the second coming. I recommend a book I read called Visions of Glory and she tells me about her dreams. HER DREAMS! She claims that she has dreams about the second coming and that she knows her mom will die etc... Etc... So I try to convince myself shes telling the truth but deep inside I know something isn't right. Couple days later she tells me about how shes afraid of her dreams because if she gets hurt in them, she wakes up with injury... Okay... I knew that was a lie for sure. But I have no idea if I should avoid her, believe her. What if God gets mad of me because of my lack in faith and not believing her! Advice please? Thanks in advance!

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I'm a mother of a 13 year old, so I'm old... Anyway, this is what I would tell my son.

There's this saying that I have applied in my life as a mother: "Parents desire to do everything for their children except let them be themselves".

This is also applicable to friends. So my advice is this: Give your friend the freedom to be herself. And hopefully she'll let you be yourself as well. That's how strong friendships build. So, your friend has dreams and it's wierd.... Let her be herself. So, you don't believe it's true, that's fine. That's you being yourself. Now, if you can both be yourselves and be able to still serve each other, lifting each other, comforting each other, and not be a danger to each other.... Then that's how "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" is applied. And it's a powerful experience that can build your testimony of the 2nd great commandment.

In any case, talk to your parents about it and seek their counsel.

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I am 14.32 years old and I am confused. There is a girl in the Laurel class, her name is ironically Laurel. She first moved in and I thought she was my age so I am all welcomy and she is very silent. Then when she left comments during sunday school the spirt was just filled in the room. She rides in the same car as me to girls camp. And se talks the whole time (Im okay with that though.) and it turns out he is extremely smart... Extremely she can do everything. No lie! She even got out a harmonica and started to play but t mat have annoyed the driver so the other girls and I were trying to ask her questions to make her stop. So we get to camp and set up shop. When done we have 3 hours of free time, that whole time Laurel and I sit down as talk. Somehow we go off about the second coming. I recommend a book I read called Visions of Glory and she tells me about her dreams. HER DREAMS! She claims that she has dreams about the second coming and that she knows her mom will die etc... Etc... So I try to convince myself shes telling the truth but deep inside I know something isn't right. Couple days later she tells me about how shes afraid of her dreams because if she gets hurt in them, she wakes up with injury... Okay... I knew that was a lie for sure. But I have no idea if I should avoid her, believe her. What if God gets mad of me because of my lack in faith and not believing her! Advice please? Thanks in advance!

Yes as a father of four...13-19 is filled with worry and wonders; navigate each carefully. :)
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But I have no idea if I should avoid her, believe her. What if God gets mad of me because of my lack in faith and not believing her! Advice please? Thanks in advance!


First, she has no stewardship over you; so you are not bound to accept the revelations she believes she has received.


And second, as Joseph Smith taught,


“I make this broad declaration, that whenever God gives a vision of an image, or beast, or figure of any kind, He always holds Himself responsible to give a revelation or interpretation of the meaning thereof, otherwise we are not responsible or accountable for our belief in it. Don’t be afraid of being damned for not knowing the meaning of a vision or figure, if God has not given a revelation or interpretation of the subject.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 291.)


Don't be afraid to just take her experiences and say "I don't know if that's true or not; and I choose not to worry about it at present".  Now, if she starts getting all offended at that--you've got a problem, but it's not a theological one and it's your friendship, not your soul, that's at risk.


Incidentally:  Visions of Glory is highly problematic.  See, e.g., this review.

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When I'm with someone who says strange things, my response is usually "Wow, really?" or "Oh wow!". Usually they just keep talking, and I interject a small comment like I've said every once in awhile to make them think I'm really involved with what they're telling me.

Might not be the best way to handle such situations, but it doesn't hurt the person's feelings, and it makes them feel like you value them.

Works for me anyway...

Edited by Silhouette
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