End of chaplaincy? End of accreditation for religious schools?


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I've been thinking dark thoughts of late.  Since California's public university system is de-recognizing student clubs that discriminate on the basis of religion (i.e. they stipulate that leaders of the club actually affirm specific religious doctrines) http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/09/11/California-State-University-Derecognizes-Campus-Christian-Organization, and since Gordon College was recently asked by its regional accrediting agency to officially explain its policy of requiring staff and students to adhere to sexual abstinence outside of heterosexual marriage (ahem, this appears discriminatory on the face of it...), http://www.christianpost.com/news/gordon-college-dont-sell-your-soul-for-secular-accreditation-127520/ me wonders where these trends are leading?


1.  Will chaplains become extinct?  It's easy to imagine a plaintiff suing a government agency for paying--with their tax dollars--to employ clergy who teach that their lifestyle (gender identity) is sin.


2.  Will religious schools who have moral/spiritual codes of conduct lose their accreditation, since they have institutionalized their discriminatory beliefs?


I hope everyone realizes that I oppose and abhor these ideas.  Yet, they seem to be the logical conclusion to the trends we're seeing.

Edited by prisonchaplain
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Guest LiterateParakeet

Great question PC.  I hadn't heard that about California.  I think your concerns are reasonable.


It reminds me of a speech I heard years ago.  Joel Skousen was talking about how we are losing our freedoms and yet no one is paying any attention.  Then he said something I found rather haunting (and this is the reason I remember the speech at all...) he said religion freedom would be the last to go because that would wake people up--but by then it would be too late.


Based on your post, I think we may be there now . . .

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Great question PC.  I hadn't heard that about California.  I think your concerns are reasonable.


It reminds me of a speech I heard years ago.  Joel Skousen was talking about how we are losing our freedoms and yet no one is paying any attention.  Then he said something I found rather haunting (and this is the reason I remember the speech at all...) he said religion freedom would be the last to go because that would wake people up--but by then it would be too late.


Based on your post, I think we may be there now . . .


The sad thing is that so many people are willingly fighting to give up freedom, because they think that somehow by suppressing moral teachings they are increasing freedom to live a life of sin without judgment.

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Yes...and then there are those outside of the household of faith... :cool:



The sad thing is that so many people are willingly fighting to give up freedom, because they think that somehow by suppressing moral teachings they are increasing freedom to live a life of sin without judgment.

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According to prophesy of the last days, as I understand, the people of the world will divide themselves into two groups.  One will be the covenant peoples of G-d and those that align themselves with them and the other will be what is known as Babylon - or the churches of the world.  In short I believe that many religions will conform the the pressures of the world and will become part of the camp the opposes the covenants of G-d.  Also many religions will become dependent on the covenants saints in order to keep their particular religion in tact or from becoming pulled apart.


It is my understanding that covenants are key as well as the restored priesthood and prophets properly faced to represent the L-rd before the people and not the seemed needs of the people to the L-rd.  Without such revelation and divine representation to the covenant people of the L-rd, no one will survive the evil that will present itself - nor will those that try to preserve their religious traditions.  Those so steeped in their traditions that are unwilling to combine their resources and efforts with the similar minded will be sifted out like the chaff from the wheat.

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There may be some religions, or denominations, that give in to the culture and the spirit of this age, but I am more concerned about those within Truth-affirming churches, who bemoan the obstinance of leadership for insisting on the exclusivity of Christ, and on upholding the counter-culture morality of the Judeo Christian tradition.  However, I am not advocate of witch hunts.  Rather, let me examine my own heart, and be sure that I walk with the Spirit, and am prepared for the intense opposition that comes.

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PC.  Just a thought.  I find the history of religion at the time of Jesus very interesting (perhaps prophetic to our time) - especially those brave souls that preserved what we now have as the Dead Sea Scriptures.  No doubt these good peoples were believers in the coming messiah.  But there is no evidence, beyond their scriptures, that they ever recognized the messiah even though they knew within a few years when he would appear among the Jews.  There is evidence that many of the same scribes that penned scripture in "Qumran" were also at Masada.  We all know the tragic fate of Masada of those faithful to a good cause at Masada.  Their slaughter and end is proof that belief and devotion to G-d and his ancient scriptures is not enough.  Without the guidance of the Apostles appointed by Jesus, their efforts failed and their religious beliefs ended in less than a generation after Jesus.

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The Apostle Paul agrees that passion--even martyrdom--is useless without the key component:


1 Corinthians 13:1-3:  1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

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I've been thinking dark thoughts of late.  Since California's public university system is de-recognizing student clubs that discriminate on the basis of religion (i.e. they stipulate that leaders of the club actually affirm specific religious doctrines) http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/09/11/California-State-University-Derecognizes-Campus-Christian-Organization, and since Gordon College was recently asked by its regional accrediting agency to officially explain its policy of requiring staff and students to adhere to sexual abstinence outside of heterosexual marriage (ahem, this appears discriminatory on the face of it...), http://www.christianpost.com/news/gordon-college-dont-sell-your-soul-for-secular-accreditation-127520/ me wonders where these trends are leading?


1.  Will chaplains become extinct?  It's easy to imagine a plaintiff suing a government agency for paying--with their tax dollars--to employ clergy who teach that their lifestyle (gender identity) is sin.


2.  Will religious schools who have moral/spiritual codes of conduct lose their accreditation, since they have institutionalized their discriminatory beliefs?


I hope everyone realizes that I oppose and abhor these ideas.  Yet, they seem to be the logical conclusion to the trends we're seeing.

I agree to both your conclusions.

where it is leading will be to a reduction of the spirit of God among men. whenthat happens men are left to themselves, when left to themselves they have a tendency to become destroyed and or scattered, it's history that is repeating itself again and again. It's happened in the americas before, it's happened in europe before, it's happened in the middle east before.

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This could well be a foreshadowing of the time to come.  After all, chipping away at religious approval, and then beginning to punish religious adherents--eventually, it may be impossible for believers to buy or sell.


The Mark of the Beast

16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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