I don't know anymore...

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Whats a Pokemon?


I must be old......


Cartoons? really......did she marry a man or a little boy?


You made a big boy decision now its time to wear big boy pants......Vort posted excellent advice. I second what he said


If watching Cartoons or reading comics or such things is a sign of a little boy. Then my Father (48) and myself (24) must truly be rediculously immature. I mean, I am the FIRST to call myself immature. But I think cartoons have NOTHING to do with this guys marriage problems. If they do, then this guy has other problems.

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Watching cartoons, etc., does not have anything to do with being a man or not. Providing for one's family physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, with selflessness, service, care, tenderness, sacrifice, etc... Those are the characteristics that make a man a man.


This, this this this. My fiance and I met table-top gaming, and lots of the things we have in common are our love for games and cartoons and "immature" things. But what makes him a man is his patience and willingness to solve problems that we may face (we've yet to face any problems with each other, but they will happen, and we have solved many issues with other people and things together as a team).


You need to sit down and talk to her. Communicate. It isn't a fight, and you aren't trying to dominate. But you need to let her understand how you feel, or nothing will get better. She can't read your mind. Not only that, but you guys JUST got married. If I understand the things I've been told correctly, marriage is a tidal wave of new emotions, feelings, confusions, and battles to be overcome. Take time, think for a minute. Remember the good you have with this woman who is now your eternal companion. Approach her calmly, and explain how you feel and your worries. As a couple you are meant to work together. Maybe couples counseling could be good later on if the issues dont get resolved.


Remember you are a husband. The only childish thought process is thinking of you and your wife as separate entities. Guess what? You are two very different individuals who are now one. The merger isn't meant to be simple. But you know, someone had to be willing to try putting peanut butter and jelly together before they could know how good it tastes!

(But if it turns out that even with full effort you and her and more peanut butter and ketchup... that does happen)

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