Church makes statement regarding upcoming TLC show


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In review of this topic I am reminded of the talk in the last general conference by Lynn G Robbins Saturday morning.  The title of the talk is "Which way do you face?".  In essence the talk ask the question - are we trying to represent the problems of humans before the L-rd? or do we try to represent the wisdom of G-d to man kind. 


Our efforts of understanding should be first and always to understand the mind and will of G-d.  The second effort - I believe, is to represent that understanding and encourage that understanding with all of G-d's children.  Same sex attractions (SSA) has been a most difficult road for me personally.  For whatever reason I was a very unwilling target of men that somehow saw me as a possible target of their affections.  These experiences have jaded me somewhat in male relationships particularly any show of affections between men. 


I am not a good example but if I can be comfortable conversing with or sitting next to a brother at church struggling with SSA - anyone can. 

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In my opinion the church's response doesn't even address the real problem with the show. What they ought to say (imho) is that anyone who sells their souls to a reality show may as well have sold their souls for real.


I can respect someone who is, in spite of whatever personal issues they have in their psyche, striving to do what the Lord would have them do. I have little respect for someone who takes personal issues and displays them commercially for the world.

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In my opinion the church's response doesn't even address the real problem with the show. What they ought to say (imho) is that anyone who sells their souls to a reality show may as well have sold their souls for real.


I can respect someone who is, in spite of whatever personal issues they have in their psyche, striving to do what the Lord would have them do. I have little respect for someone who takes personal issues and displays them commercially for the world.


The Church won't say this because it falls under the "let them govern themselves" area.


But... you said commercially... so you're ok with them putting it out on Facebook?  :D

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The Church won't say this because it falls under the "let them govern themselves" area.


But... you said commercially... so you're ok with them putting it out on Facebook?  :D


A: I was joking about the church making a statement to this end.


B: What about the "teach them..." part of letting them govern themselves?


C: By using the word "commercially" I wasn't limiting my view to "only" commercially.

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It's on The Learning Channel's website as airing repeatedly starting this Saturday--I won't post the time.  It seems to be running right after "Sister Wives", and reading through the rest of the shows in their programming, all I can say about that channel generally is:



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I watched it. I was seriously underwhelmed.  One of the couples seemed genuinely interested in doing the couple/family thing. One of them was just plain too quiet. The other is in serious trouble if what they portrayed in the show is reality at all. The single guy?  I think he's sincere in his desire but he needs to put his SSA on the back burner and focus on the woman he's trying to get to know, not himself. 


80% of the show was canned and almost gaggy. Huge waste of time. I should have followed Skalenfehl's advice.

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Watched part of the show last night.


1. I commend them for fighting the temptations they feel in their lives.


2. Why do they think I care?  I have my own temptations to deal with.


3. Since this is on reality TV, (personal opinion follows) How much did they sell their souls for to be on this show???


As a military member, I went through the initial issues of Don't ask Dont' tell, Before and after the repeal.  When a soldier insists on me knowing his/her orientation, I insist that they know mine.  I do this to illustrate that in the context of work, I do not care what they do in private, as long as it does not effect their ability to do their job.  It is both unprofessional and unwanted for them to tell me.


I feel the same applies here. I do not care what you do,. I will not be punished for your actions, nor you for mine.  Get on with your life and deal with your problems as best you can. I am here if you need help, but, if no help is needed I don't need to know about it.


Yes, I am a cold hearted ba*(^&%. that is my sin, and I will deal with as best I can.

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I know we often don't continue discussion of these issues in the "News and Events" forum. If interested, here's a response to the show from a brother in an apparently mixed orientation marriage.


I'm going to take a stab at answering the questions in that blog... of course, I'm not gay and don't know the writer personally, so I'm really just like a 5-year-old walking in mother's high heels pretending to talk like an adult.


  • How do perfect strangers really feel about an issue that is so interconnected with the foundation of my life?

          The same way they feel about any issue they see on TV/Internet/Magazines... what they really feel usually reflects their own experiences and not the subject of such TV/Internet/Magazine topics.  That's why politics has the aura of a team sport.  People absorb news that cheers their team and rejects those that don't regardless of merit.  And for those without a team - well, it's like my 13-year-old... he thinks he knows all there is to know about American History because he watched a 6-minute video of the brother of the author of "The Fault In Our Stars" about it...


  • For my family and friends who know about my situation, will they look at the couples on this show and think ‘Oh, that’s how Brother and Sister GayNotGay’s marriage MUST be too.”

          I don't think so.  There's a whole slew of Reality TV shows that people are becoming aware that Reality TV is not Reality.  I mean, they know housewives in New Jersey don't really act like that.


  • How will my very smart, very strong wife, whom I’ve been open with about these issues since before we started dating, react when the world is telling her she is stupid, and incapable?

          She'll shrug it off like a mote of dust, of course.  I mean, you just said she's very smart and very strong.


  • How will the differing viewpoints and perspectives that I have with the people on the show be presented?

          It depends on how you present it and how influential you are.


  • How will this show reflect on the broader community of Latter-day Saints who choose not to pursue same-sex relationships and keep their covenants instead?

          It's a TV show.  It's like saying how will Battlestar Galactica reflect on the Church.  It doesn't.


  • How will these differing opinions that are practically being shouted at me through the computer screen impact how I feel about my own life and marriage?

          Depends on how much power you give your computer screen.

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