Concealed Carry


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Anyone conceal carry a firearm on a regular basis? I have recently started carrying and am curious about how others carry. I sometimes pocket carry in a sticky holster a .380 (loaded with hollow points) or a Glock 26 in an IWB (in waist band) holster or a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield IWB. Really depends on what I am doing and wearing.

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When I conceal carry, I carry a full size 9mm SIG in a pancake holster OWB with a shirt or jacket covering it. I used to go to great lengths to make sure I wasn't printing through the shirt. After awhile, I just stopped caring if someone knew what I had.

The biggest hurdle I have in carrying these days is that when I prayed about it, I felt fine about doing it, but that I would never need to use it.

Kinda takes the fire out of lugging it everywhere, knowing it's a somewhat pointless endeavor...

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Wife and I have matching G26's.  She has a laser scope on hers.  I do IWB in the small of my back.  


Besides the gun, I spent really good money on a sturdy thick belt - the ones they sell in gun stores for $40-$50.   And also good money on a holster.  BladeTech used to make a cool holster that would allow you to tuck your shirt in between the gun and the pants, but they don't seem to make it any more.  I'd go through a holster every 2 years.


So now I'm looking for a good holster, and using a cheapo IWB and making sure I've got a coat or something.  Won't work much longer as the seasons change.

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When I conceal carry, I carry a full size 9mm SIG in a pancake holster OWB with a shirt or jacket covering it. I used to go to great lengths to make sure I wasn't printing through the shirt. After awhile, I just stopped caring if someone knew what I had.

The biggest hurdle I have in carrying these days is that when I prayed about it, I felt fine about doing it, but that I would never need to use it.

Kinda takes the fire out of lugging it everywhere, knowing it's a somewhat pointless endeavor...

I have an OWB Sig retention holster and have wore it with my Sig before under a coat. Really sticks out otherwise....

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There are many many websites out there where they go into great detail about this issue and anything at all related.  Many of them are brand oriented, which will also offer brand specific equipment for you.

A lot of the posters are ordinary citizens or people who's work requires them to be armed.

So you get a real varied perspective, and a lot of experience.

Don't just limit your question to this site.


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Do people freak out when they can tell you're carrying? For me it's kind of a comfort... for instance, a friend of mine and our kids went camping without our husbands last summer, and the guys across from us were carrying. I don't know why, but it made me feel safer, even though I didn't know them. My friend felt exactly the opposite, but she detests guns. My brother-in-law always carries and I find it a comfort to have him around. I'm going to get licensed as soon as I can afford a gun.

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Anyone conceal carry a firearm on a regular basis? I have recently started carrying and am curious about how others carry. I sometimes pocket carry in a sticky holster a .380 (loaded with hollow points) or a Glock 26 in an IWB (in waist band) holster or a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield IWB. Really depends on what I am doing and wearing.

I have carried for most of my life. As a police officer I never had to conceal, so now in retirement I just carry my service weapon in open view. My sons wonder why I don't conceal smaller weapons I have, but I find it puts people at ease to see someone not trying to conceal their weapon.
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Do people freak out when they can tell you're carrying? For me it's kind of a comfort... for instance, a friend of mine and our kids went camping without our husbands last summer, and the guys across from us were carrying. 


I don't freak out when I see someone open carrying.  But I do get concerned when I see someone trying to conceal carry and failing at it.  It makes me wonder if a. they know the local laws, b. they know the definition of 'conceal' and are instead trying to brandish to intimidate, or c. are new and unexperienced and we're about to all see someone's gun skittering across the floor due to fumble-thumbs.


I've found that 'freaking out' is directly proportional to ignorance.  I have a co-worker who freaks out that conceal carry exists.  "Those people are all just looking for trouble!"  She talks about people who legally carry in terms of how it impacts her emotional state.  And she blames her emotional state on crap that just isn't true: how it creates a dangerous work environment, and how it doesn't solve anything, and how it only makes matters worse, and how conceal carry is going to lead to getting someone killed, and how guns = dead kids and 'something should be done'.


In one meeting, after her 'looking for trouble' comment, I and another guy briefly shared our experiences about why we got permitted.  It shut her up (which wasn't really what we were trying to do), but didn't change her mind (which is what we hoped would happen.)

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My husband and I aren't gun enthusiasts but I figured I'd share my feelings and sense of safety when others carry firearms. If I spot a stranger carrying, I feel uneasy, it isn't comforting to me. When my sister and her husband carry, I feel much more comfortable, perhaps simply because I know them and trust them. I also just had a friend get her open carry permit not too long ago and she sports it around proudly. I don't particularly like it but we don't share many political or social views. I will say that the police officer who moved a couple houses down from us makes me feel safe. I don't know him personally, but I trust he chose to be a police officer to protect and help people, and I'm pretty sure that if something scary went down - he'd be right there in the action doing his best to prevent a fatality.

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I usually carry a Kel-Tec P3AT.  It fits nicely in my pocket and is pretty much invisible.  I can also easily conceal a full sized 1911 under an untucked T Shirt. That doesn't work so well for me though because I have virtually no hips or butt. The added weight tends to take my pants down, so I'm looking for alternatives.

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As mentioned I am fairly new to carrying. I have mostly kept a firearm in my car because I travel a good bit. But, I have spent quite a bit of time recently training and must say, that without proper training and consistent practice, I would not feel comfortable carrying a loaded hand gun. I suspect most people do the same if they carry on a regular basis, though there are surely some knuckleheads out there that carry without giving much thought. 


It has been my experience that most avid shooters are among the most safety conscience folks around and spend a great deal of time training. So much so, that when you view videos of people reviewing various firearms they almost without fail begin by a thorough safety check of the gun and if not they are usually dressed down very strongly by the viewers.


I can see why Bini might feel uncomfortable. I think everyone should take an NRA pistol class whether they want to CC or own a pistol or not so that they can appreciate the great deal of effort that is put into safety and training and hopefully have a greater understanding of why people carry and are "pro second amendment".

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concealed carry generally doesn't bother me...

Carrying to make a statement does bother me tho.

Generally not a fan of open carry (but it depends on the type of location that has such laws, far a small farmville like place probably wouldn't be much of an issue, but on the other hand a place that has a high population density like new york or something like that open carry wouldn't be a good idea), and i think the recent legislation in utah passed to get rid of permit requirements for public carrying is all sorts of stupid.

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If I spot a stranger carrying, I feel uneasy, it isn't comforting to me.


I can respect this to an extent.  I see on youtube, so many open carry enthusiasts with rather juvenile attitudes, looking for people to argue with.  Trying to document other people's ignorance or eagerly seeking an encounter where someone tries to infringe on their rights, so they can be all righteously indignant.  I mean, I'm all for doing stuff like that, but there's plenty of ways to reach those goals without introducing a firearm into the mix.  


I've met some in person, and I hear the stories being told on this thread, and I know that not everyone who open carries has the attitude of a rebellious teenager flaunting their new piercing.  But I don't have a ton of respect for those sporting those attitudes.  


Now Bini, I need to ask my standard question when I hear someone talk about being uncomfortable around people with guns.  If you live in a state with conceal carry laws, how does it make you feel when you think that random folks you pass by on the street are armed, but nobody can see?  Here in Colorado, judging by the numbers of permits issued vs population, for every random 100 people I walk by, one or two are carrying.    A walk downtown or through a mall (that doesn't ban guns) and I'm probably surrounded by a dozen or so.  I admit to a little anxiety about the training and mindset of those people if a bad guy started shooting.  But I do feel a bit safer and comfortable standing in the middle of it.  How about you?

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Now Bini, I need to ask my standard question when I hear someone talk about being uncomfortable around people with guns.  If you live in a state with conceal carry laws, how does it make you feel when you think that random folks you pass by on the street are armed, but nobody can see?  Here in Colorado, judging by the numbers of permits issued vs population, for every random 100 people I walk by, one or two are carrying.    A walk downtown or through a mall (that doesn't ban guns) and I'm probably surrounded by a dozen or so.  I admit to a little anxiety about the training and mindset of those people if a bad guy started shooting.  But I do feel a bit safer and comfortable standing in the middle of it.  How about you?


I'm not comfortable with it.


This might not be new but I've recently noticed more places posting signs along the lines of: No Weapons or Firearms. I feel better about this, personally, and only speaking for myself. I would need to revisit these establishments to be certain but I'm pretty sure Home Depot and Walmart have such signs. I know for fact that our local cinemas do. I think I've dropped into privately owned restaurants that have them posted as well.

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This might not be new but I've recently noticed more places posting signs along the lines of: No Weapons or Firearms. I feel better about this, personally, and only speaking for myself. I would need to revisit these establishments to be certain but I'm pretty sure Home Depot and Walmart have such signs. I know for fact that our local cinemas do. I think I've dropped into privately owned restaurants that have them posted as well.


Ok - the signs probably mean you live in a state that allows conceal carry, and private property owners are free to post signs making it illegal.


How would you feel about a sign like this?





I see signs like this around Colorado.  I snapped this picture at a hospital.  


Just from a purely feelings perspective, what do you feel about a business posting a sign like this?

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This might not be new but I've recently noticed more places posting signs along the lines of: No Weapons or Firearms. I feel better about this, personally, and only speaking for myself. 


I'm curious as to WHY you feel better about it?

Do you actually believe that someone bent on murder and mayhem is going to care one whit about a sign prohibiting firearms?

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