L. Whitney Clayton - Saturday a.m. Session

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Seeking spiritual light is different than seeking physical light.


Belief in faith requires our personal faith and action.


There may be times when we have been hurt.


There may be times when we can’t see any life on the horizon and we want to give up.


If we truly want to believe, the Savior will show us the path.


We must choose to open our hearts to the divine reality of the Savior.


God does not force us to believe, instead he invites us to believe.


We must choose to embrace the spiritual invitations. To see with inward eyes.


The decision to believe is the most important decision we will ever make.


Belief and testimony and faith are not just passive principles.


We will not accidently come to believe in the Savior. We actively choose to believe just as we choose to follow other commandments.


Our actions are the evidence of our belief and become the substance of our faith.


We are choosing to believe when we read the scriptures, when we fast and attend the temple.


You must not give up. Ever.  Go right on believing in Him.


Align your actions with that belief.

His redemptive power is the true path.

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