L. Tom Perry - Saturday a.m. Session

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Many religions are united in marriage and family values.


If so many agree on these same values then why are we different?  How is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints different themselves?


Only we have the eternal perspective of the restored gospel.


We make it a subject of eternity.  We take the commitment and the sanctity of marriage to another level.


This gospel is taught so simply as written in a Primary song, “Families Can Be Together Forever.”


We believe in pre-mortal life as we all lived as literal spirits.  Children of God.  


We believe that we were and still are members of His family.


We believe that marriage and family ties can continue beyond the grave.


We believe that the ordinances done in the temple here on earth will be valid in the world to come.


We believe that stable values make a stable society.


We believe that the organization and government of heaven will be based around families and extended families.


Public opinion shows that marriage is still the ideal.  


Strong marriages worldwide still want to have children and create strong families.


With the media and internet, it has never been harder to raise responsible children and have strong family values.


It is around family and marriage values that the Church has the biggest chance to be a beacon of light to the world.

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I missed the boat on this, but still strongly believe what the church teaches about families.  I need to get over this negative view I have of my lack of the sort of family the church speaks of.  I know I can do the work for the family I have beyond the veil and pray for my family still here in mortality and those to be born yet.  

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I missed the boat on this, but still strongly believe what the church teaches about families.  I need to get over this negative view I have of my lack of the sort of family the church speaks of.  I know I can do the work for the family I have beyond the veil and pray for my family still here in mortality and those to be born yet.  



Several people touched on family this Sat AM session (I haven't listened to the PM yet).  Many of them acknowledged that not all families fit the mold perfectly (I know Burton did, and several others I can't specifically remember right now).


Even if one family doesn't fit a mold, there can still be good in it.  For example, when my husband (not a member) plays with our little girl and she's giggling her head off at the Tickle Monster, my love for my husband burns so bright.  When he makes me my favorite breakfast in morning, for no particular reason, my love burns bright.  He may not be Mormon or have the strongest testimony, but he says goodnight-prayers with our little girl, my love burns bright.  He is a fabulous Daddy, husband, partner, and best friend.  I try my hardest to show him the love I feel through words and deeds every day

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I don't think I fit the mold either as husband to a wife who couldn't have children and an adoptive father to two boys, now full grown and serving time behind bars. I have a perfect brightness of hope, however, that the Lord has accounted for all these things for those of us who don't have the chance for a proper traditional family. Something is troubling me, though, with all this talk to shore up the family, which I strongly support, though in the wake of the new SB296 legislation...I know our leaders have their fingers on the pulse of our social/political climate, but... 

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