Ulisses Soares - Priesthood Session

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Satan and his angels are trying to deceive us.


Despite the opposition, President Monson has taught that this is a war that we will win.


All of us need to become modern Captain Moronis to fight the evils of today.


You are responsible for the choices you make. (For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet)


The adversary’s purpose is to make us as miserable as he is.


We must understand that they only have power over us if we allow it.


We must be alert to this danger.  We can’t let ourselves be confused by the worldly messages that go against our beliefs.


In the end, all will stand before God whether they be good or they be evil.


We can do it if we seek the Lord and put all of our faith in Him.


Our testimony will shield us from the fiery darts of the adversary.


We must hold ever more tightly onto our testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


We need to find safety found in the scriptures.


We can find safety in the wise words of our Prophet.


Trust in the merits and the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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