The Sacrament and Covenant-Making


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With the new push for more spiritual sacrament meetings in our ward counsel it was brought up to maybe give members of our ward some talks about Sacrament and Sabbath day for use in some family home evenings.  

During part of the training for Sabbath day  our Bishop shared some quotes from a Pres. Kimball article found in the Jan 1978 Ensign.  This Ensign was decided to Sabbath day worship.  I was seeing if there was any other articles that could be used for a family home evening. 


Nothing really new here, but just the way this guy says it, made it a good read.

Edited by tubaloth
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I believe there are a few things about the sacrament that are not taught enough in the relationship to the renewing of covenants and the sacrament itself.


Firstly the renewing of covenants it is only the renewing of your baptismal covenant if that is the only covenant you have made to that point in time. If you have made further covenants IE: Priesthood, Temple and marriage covenants partaking of the sacrament is also renewing them.


The second point I think that we need to consider more in partaking of the sacrament is what we put into our mouths has been blessed and sanctified it has been made holy. Hence the saying " give not hat which is holy unto the dogs"


When we consider these two principles we are 1 thinking in terms of a broader view more that we are the isolated view of simply considering the baptismal covenant and 2 we are considering our own personal worthiness by taking into our mouths something that is Holy. in Isaiah 5 we read about a seraphim who took a coal from the altar and pressed it against the lips of Isaiah sanctifying him and bringing him into God presence.


Pondering these two thoughts while partaking of the sacrament worthily I feel open up our minds more to receiving revelation  

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I am always interested in covenants.  However, it is my personal observation that the covenants issued through ordinances are very vague and open to wide ranges of interpretation - sometimes even hostile arguments.  I believe covenants are vague for reason and purpose.  I believe that as we experience and grow in understanding so does our covenants.  I call this covenant change - personal covenants.  For example - keeping the Sabbath holy is very vague - so according to our individual understanding we define for ourselves what we will do and will not do on the Sabbath - and according to our understanding we will from time to time make exceptions – such exceptions tend to redefine our personal covenants.



I would suggest that taking the sacrament is not just a renewal of our initial covenant(s) but a time to meditate and reflect on our personal covenants and the exceptions we have made.  Sort of a review to see how our covenants are trending.  And in so reviewing seek spiritual help to validate the trending as good and acceptable before G-d.


Sometimes in discussions – I will ask individuals what is your personal covenant.  Some say that caffeine soda drinks are not against the word of wisdom.  But they are against my personal covenant – for reasons that go beyond just words in scripture.  I realize others (like my wife) have not had my experiences and are very likely not to understand why I include caffeine soda drinks in my personal word of wisdom covenant.  My wife understands I will not drink caffeine soda drinks and respects my covenant – I also realize that her personal covenant does not include caffeine soda drinks and it does not bother me at all when she has a Coke.  I do not expect or encourage her to live my personal covenants – but I do expect her to define and live her personal covenants and I respect and honor her for living true to her personal covenants.

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