Ancient Vehicle Tracks Millions of Years Old


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A Russian academic has claimed that an ancient civilisation drove giant all-terrain vehicles across Earth millions of years ago - and that the tracks are still visible today. 

Geologist Dr Alexander Koltypin believes that mysterious groove-like markings in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were made by an intelligent race between 12 and 14 million years ago.



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I've sometimes wondered--I mean, we hear environmentalists and climate scientists warn about the lasting effects of what we do; but (from an evolutionary standpoint) mankind has been on the earth for only a tiny fraction of earth's existence, only an infinitesimal proportion of animals/animal bones make it into the fossil record, and the kind of time periods it takes for a dinosaur to turn into a few gallons of oil should be plenty of time for even metal machines and plastics to disappear.

My little brain wonders: If velociraptors built telescopes and charted the heavens, or Neanderthals engaged in massive tank battles--how would we know?

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Sorry, it's wrong. 


It definitely was time travelers with their heavy machinery. You see in an alternate timeline there was a vast store of rare earth elements that will become hugely important (more so than what we use them for today) for interstellar craft which provides a great advantage in warfare. It created a golden age for the area that is now considered Turkey. At first this wasn't a problem because Turkey has fair relations with the international community, but a group of rebel forces ended up taking over the country and then using it's new found political power and wealth to wage war. Because of the reduction of the rare elements the world wide economy collapsed, and eventually large portions of the world were taken over. In order to combat this a theoretical design for a time machine which was stored away in a secret vault was used to build a time machine in which they transported a team to mine the area before it could be used by the group they were now fighting. Due to not wanting to disrupt space time and create time paradoxes they carefully selected a time and period that would have minimal impact on how the world develops, however since modern powersources would be hard to construct and refuel they decided to use a more rudimentary heavy wheeled vehicle, rather than their space capable hovercraft. and as such the heavy vehicles from the time travelers are in fact what caused the grooves.

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I've sometimes wondered--I mean, we hear environmentalists and climate scientists warn about the lasting effects of what we do; but (from an evolutionary standpoint) mankind has been on the earth for only a tiny fraction of earth's existence, only an infinitesimal proportion of animals/animal bones make it into the fossil record, and the kind of time periods it takes for a dinosaur to turn into a few gallons of oil should be plenty of time for even metal machines and plastics to disappear.

My little brain wonders: If velociraptors built telescopes and charted the heavens, or Neanderthals engaged in massive tank battles--how would we know?


I've mentioned it before, but I like to play around with the idea that the carbon-based ecosystem is the result of nitrogen-based lifeforms snuffing themselves out and leaving their carbon machinery lying around. Think of it as if we wiped ourselves out of existence and left self-driving cars to combine with self-replecating machinery. In time you might find yourself with the neanderthal of machines who looks around at the remnants of steel from skyscrapers and conclude that once there were massive Machines much like today (future today) but so much larger. As they look at the fossil records, they'll discover that Cars have been the dominant life form for some time (in historic terms, though not in geologic terms) although those were much more rudimentary than what they are today (future today).


Now journey with me to the land of pre-historic make-believe and see that Nitros programming that raptor roomba to clean. See the construction Nitors operating the t-rex (I don't care if these are different eras, play along) to construct tall trees for them to work in while another works on swamps with a diplodocus. -- I changed my mind. They use the raptor for transportation. The roomba can be some other smaller thing (maybe cockroaches).


Of course, some of those creatures (carbon machines) are the war machines they used to destroy each other.

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