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Guest MormonGator
27 minutes ago, unixknight said:

The reaction videos on YouTube seem to be just about universally negative toward the woman doing the bullying, across all races.  I find it comforting,

I do as well.

Everything is recorded now a days-but if you don't act like an idiot you have nothing to worry about. 

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15 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

And how, exactly, would that happen?


a) Female
b) Black
c) a vocal activist.

Ain't agonna happen, even if the assailee were inclined to make an issue of it.


You're probably right.

Maybe that doesn't matter so much though... There's a ton of videos on YouTube of people expressing their dismay at this behavior.  That woman is being publicly shamed.  Nobody cares where she goes to school or whether she gets kicked out.  All people want is to see karma biting her on the backside through the shaming.  It'll blow over before too long, but I suspect she'll wish she had kept her mouth shut before it's over.  She probably won't change her mind, but at least she'll know better than to make a public fool of herself.

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On 3/27/2016 at 5:23 PM, Ironhold said:


PEZ was forced to cancel their annual Easter Egg hunt when numerous parents rushed the fields before the scheduled start times in order to grab as many eggs as they could for their kids. 

Although most people have been sympathetic to PEZ over the issue, some individuals have blamed them for not having enough people in place to stop the rampage. 

Where is their local LE?  I've seen at least two claims of kids being hurt by adults in the rush, but no mention of anything coming of that.  Seems to me like there's probably some video somewhere, and a couple of high-profile injury to a child trials could be pretty effective at reducing future incidents.

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On 4/1/2016 at 11:40 AM, unixknight said:

So those of you who are good parents, who read to your kids, who raise them in loving homes... You should feel guilty and aware of how unfair that is to the kids who don't get those "advantages."

This strikes me as one of those 9 truths to convince you of 1 lie; not to mention the philosophies of men.

Meanwhile, my brother's response: "Adam was told to be fruitful, not to be a fruitcake." :P

Edited by zil
me > men!
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A sense of entitlement is the common theme here. I loved Elder Renlund's talk. The farther we are from those who give us what they have, especially the Lord, the more entitled we feel to take. 

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  • 1 month later...


A black student activist boasted online about how he reduced a white waitress to tears by leaving her a political message instead of a tip. 

People from his home country responded by calling him out for his hypocrisy (he's attending school on a scholarship set up by the person whose statue he wants removed) and raising enough money for the waitress to put together a down payment for a house that's closer to her terminally ill mother. 

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On the good news front, Ohio State University faced a student protest--they typical conglomerate of student activists demanding safe space and a laundry list of leftist actions--and the administration responding by ordering them to clear the room--or be cleared.  Police would physically remove them, if they did not disband, and those arrested would likely be expelled.  Amazingly, the students left, of their own accord.  Perhaps the tide is turning and sanity is sneaking back into the academe.


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5 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Perhaps the tide is turning and sanity is sneaking back into the academe.

The ratchet clicks one way only.

When a carpenter pulls the hammer backward, the intent is still to drive the nail.


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6 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

On the good news front, Ohio State University faced a student protest--they typical conglomerate of student activists demanding safe space and a laundry list of leftist actions--and the administration responding by ordering them to clear the room--or be cleared.  Police would physically remove them, if they did not disband, and those arrested would likely be expelled.  Amazingly, the students left, of their own accord.  Perhaps the tide is turning and sanity is sneaking back into the academe.


What I liked was how he explained that these students were making things difficult for the night staff who no choice to keep the building open, or not let the cleaning crew in for fear of the students' actions.  Interestingly enough, I think some of the students got the fact that they were the ones causing problems, even though many protested that they were "peaceful".  But how does the night crew know that they are peaceful?  It was a great way to diffuse the situation.  Kudos.

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11 hours ago, LeSellers said:

The ratchet clicks one way only.

When a carpenter pulls the hammer backward, the intent is still to drive the nail.


Ever the optimist.

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On 3/31/2016 at 9:44 AM, MormonGator said:

I do as well.

Everything is recorded now a days-but if you don't act like an idiot you have nothing to worry about. 

everything is recorded yes.... but 90% of it is cut so you can't have any of the context behind it >.<.
Doesn't matter if it's reasonable or not it can get portrayed any which way the poster decides to do so.
video evidence is not what it used to be unfortunately.

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Guest MormonGator
2 hours ago, Blackmarch said:

everything is recorded yes.... but 90% of it is cut so you can't have any of the context behind it >.<.
Doesn't matter if it's reasonable or not it can get portrayed any which way the poster decides to do so.
video evidence is not what it used to be unfortunately.

True, but if you usually behave well you won't have to worry about getting portrayed a certain way. No one will post about you if you are saying "Good morning sir, how are you today?" Instead of "You jerk, get out of my way" 


But I agree with you, more or less. 

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Has anyone else been following a certain event at the University of Mass.?  The college republicans sponsored an event on Apr 25 - "The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?"  Guest speakers were Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder.   Crowder, for those who know him and his YouTube channel LouderWithCrowder, is a quick-witted comedian who uses humor, sarcasm, zingers, etc to make fun of silly things.  

The event was well-peopled by protesters.  The protesters did their best to disrupt.  Crowder was apparently ready for them, and went on an epic rant.  I'm not going to post it, because language.  But if you search for Crowder Triggering Rant, make sure you also find out about the protester the internet has affectionately dubbed "Trigglypuff".




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55 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Has anyone else been following a certain event at the University of Mass.?  The college republicans sponsored an event on Apr 25 - "The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?"  Guest speakers were Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder.   Crowder, for those who know him and his YouTube channel LouderWithCrowder, is a quick-witted comedian who uses humor, sarcasm, zingers, etc to make fun of silly things.  

The event was well-peopled by protesters.  The protesters did their best to disrupt.  Crowder was apparently ready for them, and went on an epic rant.  I'm not going to post it, because language.  But if you search for Crowder Triggering Rant, make sure you also find out about the protester the internet has affectionately dubbed "Trigglypuff".

Best line was Christina Hoff Summers' response to (I believe, Trigglypuff's) "Stop talking to us like we're children": "When you stop acting like children."

Well, that and Yiannopoulis's "Feminism is cancer."


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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

Well, that and Yiannopoulis's "Feminism is cancer."


Hoff Sommers is a feminist, so feminism itself isn't the problem-entitled college students who think their feeling trump emotions are. 

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10 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Hoff Sommers is a feminist, so feminism itself isn't the problem-entitled college students who think their feeling trump emotions are. 

Well, you had to see it to get it. Summers tried to "correct" and soften Yiannopoulis's statement, but he interrupted her mid-word and doubled down.


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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

Well, you had to see it to get it. Summers tried to "correct" and soften Yiannopoulis's statement, but he interrupted her mid-word and doubled down.


I did see it. LadyGator is from  Mass and we follow what goes on there. 

Trigglypuff cursed, yelled, and had a temper tantrum. She deserves to be represented as an entitled, spoiled social justice warrior.  

Edited by MormonGator
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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Could this be the start of a new trendy dance step?  "The Trigglypuff"!

Part of me (a very small part) feels sorry for her. She's getting serious hate on the internet. But again, she called it all on herself. 

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Guest MormonGator

Another really sad part about the Trigglypuff saga is that I know of a girl who was exactly, 100% like her when I was in college. Looked just like her. Loud, constantly talking about social justice concerns and acted just like Trigglypuff here.  Must be sad to have become a walking cliche. 

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9 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Another really sad part about the Trigglypuff saga is that I know of a girl who was exactly, 100% like her when I was in college. Looked just like her. Loud, constantly talking about social justice concerns and acted just like Trigglypuff here.  Must be sad to have become a walking cliche. 

Are you sure it's not her?

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