Pride cycle


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In the book of Ether chapter 2:God chastened the Brother of Jared.  What did the Brother of Jared do that was so wrong?  The Brother of Jared did not remember to call upon the Lord.  I saw a news article last night that showed a newspaper headline "Where Is God?"  due to the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.  and with all the other shootings in the country.  Do we as a country include God when we sit down to eat, do we say good morning or good night to Him?  Are we being obedient to His commandments?  This reminds me of a news clip of "Where was God" by Mike Huckabee 

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Teaching and Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be more effective than passing strict gun laws.  We cannot blame the government for all the bad that is going on in the world, that would mean that we are not taking responsibility.    

Boyd K. Packard Said  "The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. Preoccupation with unworthy behavior can lead to unworthy behavior. That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel."

God gives the instructions to live a happy prosperous life, but for some reason we as humans struggle to follow His teachings all the time.  We have a Savior for this reason.  Praise Him, Remember Him always.  

President Monson reminds us to "fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."

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Whether it's the "Pride Cycle" or something else, one wonders what the USmerican Civil War/War Between the States/War of Northern Aggression was really about.

Yes, slavery was an issue, but the country had be dealing with slavery since even before the Revolution. Slavery would have ended within two decades any way: it's economically non-viable, and the Southern Belle was getting tired of seeing her slaves getting light and lighter every year.

Yes, unjust taxation (which is redundant) was an issue. The North had already begun having a declining birth rate, so, within five decades, that would have been reversed.

There were others, but none was enough to have a war. It is my firm belief that the Civil War was retribution/punishment for killing a prophet of God.

Pride-apostasy-poverty-repentance-wealth-pride has been a trend since Genesis. But just as Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews dispersed in ad 70, I believe that Missouri and Illinois, Georgia and Virginia were brought low because they not only rejected the Gospel of Christ and His prophet, but they needed the humbling power that only war and famine can impose on arrogant mankind.


Edited by LeSellers
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What is so sad about pride is that it is often viewed in this world as a strength, not a weakness.  President Benson said that there is no such thing as righteous pride; it is always condemned.  It is the universal sin and will keep you from progressing in this life and eliminate your chances of achieving the Celestial Kingdom in the next.  Elder Heber C. Kimball said that he doubted that more than 5% of LDS will enter the gates of the Celestial Kingdom.  The problem of pride among the LDS could be a major factor in his statement.  I know I have a problem with it.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

 We cannot blame the government for all the bad that is going on in the world, that would mean that we are not taking responsibility.    



I really like this.  So true.  We need to take responsibility for the things that "we" can do.  

I win the contest for the most prideful what a challenge pride is to overcome!  

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Of all my better qualities, it's my humility that I'm most proud of.


My mission president was a surgeon, so occasionally he would use medical examples in his talks and presentations. Speaking directly about humility and pride, he viewed them as diseases, and had this to say about each.


"Humility is an odd disease. Once you know you've got it, it tends to disappear."


"Pride is also an odd disease. The symptoms appear in everyone but the carrier."

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