What is the most important verse in Section 89?


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Even more, it would increase the output of engineers so there would be more products (roads, dams, computers, what-have-you) and we would all have our standards of living raised.

Licensure reduces output, increases costs, and decreases utility. It's what some have called "professional birth control".


The first point, I thought I said that.


The second point, that's only a bad thing if it is government run.  A free market version of the same thing would find an equilibrium allowing for an appropriate number of licensees.

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The second point, that's only a bad thing if it is government run.  A free market version of the same thing would find an equilibrium allowing for an appropriate number of licensees.

Only if there were at least three competing licensing agencies.

Competition would keep them honest.


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That's a function of supply'n'demand. As long as people are willing to pay $X for a pill, the companies will charge $X.

The conspiracy comes in when the government dictates who can make drugs, who can sell them, and who can "prescribe" them. It's the AMA monopoly that makes drugs expensive. I am willing to concede that Big Pharma is in cahoots with the AMA by bribing congress and other politicians and bureaucrats to keep their profits, but that's a different issue.



Have you read "Overdosed America" by John Abramson? It sounds like you might enjoy it. It is an interesting exploration of the corruption in the American medical climate. I found it very interesting myself. There is a terrible problem when watch dogs like the FDA are majority-funded by the pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate - if they want to keep their funding they had better approve some drugs for the funders (no conflict of interest there)


There's a whole lot of cahoots going on.

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Only if there were at least three competing licensing agencies.

Competition would keep them honest.


Again, only with an option to knowingly use an unlicensed practitioner.  Otherwise, there's still a risk of the licensing agencies colluding to increase prices well beyond a free market level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think verse 2 seems kind of important.


 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days[.]
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I think verse 2 seems kind of important.


This verse is no longer applicable as a suggestion, but is now a commandment.



On 9 September 1851, some eighteen years after it was given, the Patriarch to the Church, John Smith, delivered a talk in general conference on the Word of Wisdom. During his address, President Brigham Young arose and proposed that all Saints formally covenant to abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, whiskey, and “all things mentioned in the Word of Wisdom” (“Minutes of the General Conference,” Millennial Star, 1 Feb. 1852, p. 35). The motion was accepted unanimously and became binding as a commandment for all Church members thereafter

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President Heber J. Grant emphasized that the Word of Wisdom was a commandment and warned those who did not obey it that “the day is gone by when the Lord will trifle with the Latter-day Saints. He has said that His Spirit shall not always strive with man.” (Gospel Standards, pp. 55–56.) Although the Lord allowed a time of adjustment for those who were already members of the Church when the Word of Wisdom was given, today it is expected that all Saints adhere to the commandment.


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What do you think is the most important verse in Section 89? 


All of them.  :)  Actually, I think it would be different for everyone.  One thing I think is that a great many people probably ought to ponder more over verses 12 to 13-- myself included. ;)  I probably like 18 through 20 the most.


Thanks for the reminder.  :)



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This verse is no longer applicable as a suggestion, but is now a commandment.

True, yes.

However, there are still some important thoughts in the inspired heading (vv 1~3). It seems that knowing that the Word of Wisdom was given to match the abilities of the least of those who could be called saints remains important.

3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.


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