Plural marriage really outdated?


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This might be a little out there but has anyone ever thought polygamy wasn't outdated? 

I fell in love with, well the 'Mormon' way of life through observing polygamy through shows such as 'Big love' and 'Sister wives' so I was open to the idea when I began to investigate the LDS church. 

I'm still a good standing member, served a mission and I'm not about to go apostate. Sometimes I wonder if it was outdated because it geniuenly was, or because of local law pressures.

I'm just wondering if others would ever practice the principle or plural marriage if the first presidency brought it back. Maybe some LDS do still practice in secret. 

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Guest MormonGator

"Plural marriage is complicated I do not suggest trying it at home."-Cody Brown, patriarch of "Sister Wives".

Joking around about it is one thing, but in reality I would never practice it. Just from a practical standpoint-how many jobs would you have to work to support four wives and sixteen children? Even if all the wives work, that's a LOT of kids. How can you have any private time with them? How can you go out to dinner with wife one without wives 2-5 getting jealous? What if you hold hands one way with wife 2 and wife number 5 accidentally sees it, and beings to think "He never holds my hand like that, who does he love more"? What if wife 4 wants another husband? How dare you hold her to a standard you have no intention of keeping yourself! What about your kids friends parents? What will they think? Will they let their kids play with yours? What about your mother or father? Will they accept it? How will they treat wives 2-13? How do you travel to Disney World for a family vacation? How about going to your kids little league game? Polygamy is a boys fantasy. Emphasis on "boys", not "men". 

So yeah, not for me. 

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1 hour ago, mormon5623 said:

I'm still a good standing member, served a mission and I'm not about to go apostate.

I thought you said you had left the faith.

On 12/8/2014 at 8:06 AM, mormon5623 said:

well then... that really helped my decision to not stay

Are you back?  Welcome back.

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Polygamy didn't get outdated.  Rather, the practice of Polygamy got stopped.  By no greater than God Himself.

With all the spouse-hopping we see today (it used to be that Elizabeth Taylor was considered a circus freak for having all those husbands), with all these people having to support a cadre of exes, there's not much difference between now and the Polygamous past.

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I don't have any misconceptions. I just wondered if anyone maybe still believed in it. Seems that it's not a problem in the celestial Kingdom, maybe some people deep down would agree wit has polygamy if it was here again 

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14 minutes ago, Guest said:

I don't have any misconceptions. I just wondered if anyone maybe still believed in it. Seems that it's not a problem in the celestial Kingdom, maybe some people deep down would agree wit has polygamy if it was here again 

This makes no sense to me..

Plural marriage is a command... Its default state (per the Book of Mormon) is Thou Shall Not...  Kind of like Thou Shall Not Kill.  And like Thou Shall Not Kill there are times that the Lord makes exceptions..  Our history and the scripture give examples of what these exceptions look like (in both cases)

Will there be people that struggle with it?  Sure... but that is no different from any other commandment out there.  Plural marriage is not some kind of special case.

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From my point of view: Female, age 64. Been member for 50 years. Sealed to her Eternal Companion.

Accepting the concept of plural marriage is basically ones frame of mind. Judging the LDS women I personally know who are adamantly against it, they are selfish women to start with. For the LDS men whose wives are selfishly against it, they are against it because they fear their wives.

The single LDS men I personally know are for it. Again, their reasons are Woo Hoo, love me my women. Wait on me. Blah, Blah Blah.

My husband is for it. If the Lord commands him to take on another wife or two, then he will obey the Lord. Me, I am for it. Woo Hoo bring on a sister wife or three. We can share in the household chores. As well as being Sisters in Zion.

Husband is secure in his own oneness. I am secure in mine. For him to bring into our marriage and home AND Eternal Marriage sister wives for me, then yes all is good.

We both know LDS couples who think and feel as we do. We all feel pretty sure that this commandment will not be forthcoming until very near to the second coming, or even beyond that. All in the Lord's time.


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Guest MormonGator
43 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

I like knowing that the men with whom I work are off the market. I would not enjoy having to wonder if they had ulterior motives.

I actually know what you mean.

Because I'm so irresistible and women throw themselves at me all the time, the first thing I tell single women is "I am involved." Slightly  tongue in cheek, but remember that I don't wear a wedding ring. No, I don't assume that all single women are in love with me. But there has been two or three times that a girl has been obviously flirting with me and I've immediately mentioned that I'm not available. 

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7 hours ago, Guest said:

I don't have any misconceptions. I just wondered if anyone maybe still believed in it. Seems that it's not a problem in the celestial Kingdom, maybe some people deep down would agree wit has polygamy if it was here again 

Not sure what you mean by "believed in it/agree with it".  Of course we "believe in" polygamy - it's part of our history, our scripture, our reality.  If it were to be re-instituted, there'd certainly be a sifting, and every saint would need to grapple with the challenge to one extent or another, whether or not they were individually called upon to practice it.  Those who remained in the church would "agree with" it. 

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12 hours ago, Guest said:

This might be a little out there but has anyone ever thought polygamy wasn't outdated? 

I fell in love with, well the 'Mormon' way of life through observing polygamy through shows such as 'Big love' and 'Sister wives' so I was open to the idea when I began to investigate the LDS church. 

I'm still a good standing member, served a mission and I'm not about to go apostate. Sometimes I wonder if it was outdated because it geniuenly was, or because of local law pressures.

I'm just wondering if others would ever practice the principle or plural marriage if the first presidency brought it back. Maybe some LDS do still practice in secret. 

Only apostate ones, or ones soon to be excommunicated. I'd wager if some disaster fell in which most the male population got eliminated it might be reinstated. But at the moment there is no good impetus for reinstating it. govermental policies had a big influence in rescinding (it was better for lds to remain in utah rather than go to war against the us, or relocate again outside the US)..  However god said " ok thats enough"- whether it was only out of concern for how we'd fare under the UsS gov or other things im not too entirely sure of.


Any which way onelooks at it... Being in a polygamous marriage righteously is a tall order.

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15 hours ago, MormonGator said:

I actually know what you mean.

Because I'm so irresistible and women throw themselves at me all the time, the first thing I tell single women is "I am involved."

I believe this is the first lie I have ever read from you.

Anddenex exits stage left, :evilbanana:

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