Anonymous Awkward Dating Fail (AADF) Story Time

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Hello and welcome to everyone tuning in to my first ever Anonymous Awkward Dating Fail (AADF) story time! For the sake of all those who feel like they’re the only ones whose dating lives are A Series of Unfortunate Events IRL, I want you to know, you are not alone. Like, really, you’re not. Our first story comes from the awkward depths of the dating pool at BYU, and is by no means lacking in cringe-worthy moments. In fact, the whole thing is cringey, so enjoy. The year was 2015 and the month was October. I had recently reached the ripe age of 22, and I was still had what they called a “virgin-lips,” meaning I had never kissed a boy, not in all my twenty-two years of life. Except when I was like, 7 years-old, but that doesn’t count, right? We’re gonna say it doesn’t. Anyways, despite my efforts in dating post-mission, I was suffering from a seemingly eternal dating dry spell. There was this guy I knew from work....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok just read the article. It makes me very sad. It sounds like sexual assault to me. I mean, if it's not actually sexual assault, it's pretty close. I really wasn't uplifted by that story, and certainly not amused. But it's supposed to be amusing right ? Sigh. 

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