Elders Will Be Sisters


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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

There's an LDS movie which portrays this divide at least as well and at least as humorously.  The RS would assign a different sister to make the classroom decoration, and they kept one-upping each other until the RS Pres was seen crafting an ice sculpture with a chain saw.

Maybe President Uchtdorf saw this video before he wrote that one talk... :)

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On 5/20/2017 at 9:24 PM, Iggy said:

Bringing food to the RS, PH and Youth Sunday school is such a Pavlovian type of thing to do. Here- rings bells, students slaver and clamor for the treats rather than read the lesson and the scriptures pertinent to the lesson.

Even before my ambulance trip to the hospital with Acute Pancreatitus (which resulted in a 9 day stay), I didn't eat the Treats that were passed around or worse yet tossed at the members. Since recovering from two bouts of AP - and put on a LOW fat diet added to my diabetic diet - the only thing I can eat without injecting insulin is raw vegetables.

As for gluten free. If you have NOT been diagnosed as Celiac, stop with the gluten free foods. We have only one member in our 295 member branch who is a true Celiac. Because she never knows what is in the Pot Luck dishes that are brought, she doesn't eat. Because I don't know the fat content of the Pot Luck dishes, and most of the meat that is brought are hot dogs, kielbasa, Lil' Smokies. even Spam chunks - all HIGH in fat, or super charged cheesy (high fat) super charged (carb) casseroles and maybe a tossed salad big enough to serve two for the 30 who do show up - - - I don't eat either.

We have at least 6 other members who admit to being diabetic - insulin injecting diabetic. I know there are more, because I bump into them at the Diabetic Wellness Clinic at the hospital.

Since I am no longer the Librarian and don't have easy access to get in to get the emergency glucose chews for the couple of members who often *bottom out* with their sugar levels (drop to 60 or lower) - I now carry two packets of the chews and two bottles of the liquid. The thing is they HAVE TO TEST 15 minutes after, and once their levels are up to at least 65, they HAVE TO EAT a full balance meal. That meal could be a breakfast bar that has to required amount of carbs, and dietary fiber and protein. For me, that bar had better have less than 10% fat.

How many of your members have food allergies? Deathly allergic to peanuts? Cinnamon? Best to NOT bring Reward Foods to any of the church classes.


I went to RS once, a coupe of months ago.  Was invited for a special occasion. They fed us all dinner which I wasn't expecting, and it was really quite healthy. My sister went with me, and she does in fact have celiacs.  I eat low fat low cal, because otherwise I gain 20 pounds in two days. (Slight, but only slight, exaggeration ;) )  My sister could not eat the delicious meatbal, because she wasn't sure if it was made with flour. We both skipped the dizzying array of yummy looking desserts. They all were made with flour and I would gain five pounds with one bite.  They sure looked good.

As for celiacs, my sister brings a gluten free dessert to every potluck, that way she and any other gluten free folk can enjoy a dessert. But yeah, often at potlucks she can only eat from the veggie or fruit tray. She's extremely sensitive to gluten and will be sick for days if she has just a spec of wheat flour. Which indicates more damage is being done to her small intestine.  It just isn't worth it to risk eating something without knowing what is in it.

At my work, we have gluten free, dairy free, vegetarians. Not joking. Pretty much all they eat is salad.

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On 5/21/2017 at 4:24 PM, Iggy said:

 Hubby & I turn down dinner invitations to members homes because of our dietary restrictions. We are limited to certain restaurants to eat out at. If their menu is not listed on the internet [their own web site], then I cannot preview it. I must do that so I can inject the correct amount of insulin before eating. I have to know the total carb amount I will be eating, so i can inject the correct amount of HumaLog insulin. ALSO I absolutely have to know the fat content. 10 g per meal is my limit. Anything over 12 will cause my pancreas to flare up and drop me to my knees in pain. No, I am not going to read the menu, pull out my little note book to figure out the total carbs, then do the math. THEN excuse myself to go into the filthiest room man every invented - - the Public Restroom - -  to inject my insulin. I don't even do that at Church. Hubby and I go into one of the empty rooms, he makes sure the door stays closed and he also blocks the view from the window in the door as I bare my belly so I can inject.

If you have a smartphone I recommend an app called Lose It.  It is aimed at people who want to lose weight. But what is super useful about the app is that it lists the calories, fat, carb and protein levels of foods. You enter in the food you have eaten, or are thinking about eating, and it shows those four things, in total, for you. It has in its food library almost everything I've come across, including specific dishes from specific restaurants. At home, you scan the barcode on a food label, the same barcode that is scanned when you checkout at the store, and voila, what you need to know and track is easily done. 

Most restaurants around here are super high in fat content. Salads, with the dressing on the side, really being the only option. 

Edited by Blueskye2
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