Young Women Service Activities


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I was set apart as the YW President last week. We have a lot of inactive young women, and I've found that lots of people who wouldn't show up for an entertaining activity will show up for a service activity. (Learning how to tie quilts? Not a soul. Tying quilts to be sent to flood victims? Everyone and their son shows up. Speaking from experience.)  So, I'm tapping your brains for ideas on community service activities that we can do as a group of eight to ten 13-17 year olds. Also, I don't know quite yet what our budget is. 

Tie/fleece blankets

Hygiene kits (we have a beloved couple from the branch serving a senior mission in Sierra Lione)

Backpacks/school supplies for low income kids in the fall

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We made kits for homeless people. Valentines and Christmas cards for inactives, pies for local leaders and inactives. Kits for shelters. Collect suits for women's shelters. Christmas crafts for shutins. Collect newspapers for animal shelters. Tidy up a city park or part of a road. Pancake breakfast to raise money for animal shelter. Weed garden for seniors home.

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First off - All the best with the calling!  Pace yourself - it can seem overwhelming at times.  

Service: indexing, clean chapel, letters to missionaries, housework for new mom, yard work for elderly, secret heart attacks for whoever needs a pick-me-up, free babysitting for date night, Christmas caroling (nursing home, hospital...)

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