Temple before marriage or mission


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Hello. I am a convert to the church, and I have been baptized nearly 2 years now. I am not the typical convert as I am the only member of the church, and I am fairly young (approaching 18). Recently I have been experiencing a strong nudge towards going through the temple. This all started when I was growing close to my one year mark. Ever since then it has only increased, and now it's getting to the point where I feel like I should be doing something about it. So I started making a habit of going to do baptisms, and trying my best to incorporate the gospel into my daily life. Yet part of me is considering discussing it with my bishop. I know it used to be that you had to have a mission call, or be engaged, but a few weeks ago someone in relief society brought up not knowing when she should seek endowment. Then a member of the bishop brick started explaining that the policy on when you can receive endowment has been changing, and a mission call or finance is not necessarily required anymore. I'm not sure if this is a discussion I should bring up with my bishop, because I am a little on the young side. So I was looking for any opinions/ advice for what I should do with my promptings. And if it would be a good idea to speak with my bishop, how do I approach him on the matter?

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I honestly don't know about policy on endowment versus age or requiring a mission call prior to a younger adult member going to the temple. That said, I think it is great you have a deep desire to go to the temple for your endowment. That is the perfect topic to bring to your Bishop, and I can't think of a Bishop that would not feel absolute joy to receive you and talk about your preparations for the temple. A desire to spiritually progress should never bring you discomfort in talking with your Bishop, quite the opposite, let your spirit be glad that you are feeling led to the temple. YES! Absolutely make an appointment to discuss this with your Bishop. Great and wise counsel will come from that meeting, you will get exactly the right advice about it. Whatever your Bishop will say to you won't hurt one bit, he'll probably bring up having your patriarchal blessing prior to you going to the temple, it's a full 10 on the scale of great things. 


For me, I was in my late twenties when I went to the temple. My Bishop was over joyed that I wanted to go, he acted like he was about to do backflips and cartwheels that I wanted to go and I was thrust forthwith into a temple prep class (By the coolest most awesome elder members of our ward). You will find that once you receive the nod from the Bishop to go to temple prep, then your interviews (Which are pretty neat too), the process is loving, gentle and absolutely encouraging. (I sat in my wife's temple prep class, it was wonderful to relive the experience)

Ok, I am excited for you. Pardon my exuberance. Go see your Bishop, and go with a smile in your heart. 

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Welcome to the forum!  I love that you're progressing towards this and doing what you can by going to do baptisms. In my stake, if you're not going on a mission or getting married, you need to be at least 25 and no matter how excited the bishop was for someone to go, the stake president was very hesitant to budge and turned eager people down. If it is deemed that you're too young, I suggest diving into family history and getting names ready (as well as indexing to help others do the same). There are also things you can read so you'll be even more prepared when you go (The Holy Temple by Packer to name one).

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8 hours ago, sunnyblue90 said:

I'm not sure if this is a discussion I should bring up with my bishop, because I am a little on the young side. So I was looking for any opinions/ advice for what I should do with my promptings. And if it would be a good idea to speak with my bishop, how do I approach him on the matter?

That really is a question to be decided between you, the Lord, and your Church leaders.  The answer will be individual.  You're within the general guidelines.  But your specific situation is your specific situation.  Just continue in prayer and see what happens.

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Totally talk to your Bishop about this!  It's awesome!

There's no hard and fast policy about when a person can receive their endowment, besides having to be 18.  It's much more individual thing, to be guidance by you and your bishopric.  Many times they like you to take a Temple Prep class beforehand, to give you a better understanding of things.  It always sounds like you're taking awesome steps getting ready for this, keep going!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/12/2017 at 0:13 AM, sunnyblue90 said:

Hello. I am a convert to the church, and I have been baptized nearly 2 years now. I am not the typical convert as I am the only member of the church, and I am fairly young (approaching 18). Recently I have been experiencing a strong nudge towards going through the temple. This all started when I was growing close to my one year mark. Ever since then it has only increased, and now it's getting to the point where I feel like I should be doing something about it. So I started making a habit of going to do baptisms, and trying my best to incorporate the gospel into my daily life. Yet part of me is considering discussing it with my bishop. I know it used to be that you had to have a mission call, or be engaged, but a few weeks ago someone in relief society brought up not knowing when she should seek endowment. Then a member of the bishop brick started explaining that the policy on when you can receive endowment has been changing, and a mission call or finance is not necessarily required anymore. I'm not sure if this is a discussion I should bring up with my bishop, because I am a little on the young side. So I was looking for any opinions/ advice for what I should do with my promptings. And if it would be a good idea to speak with my bishop, how do I approach him on the matter?

Talk to your bishop, but don't be surprised if he encourages you to do some more studying before you receive your own endowment. Just contact the ward secretary and say you'd like to schedule an appointment with the bishop. When you sit in his office, say you'd like to talk with him about receiving your own endowment.

Have you considered that this urge to receive your endowment is so that you can serve a mission? I felt an urge during a testimony meeting to serve a mission, but my finances put that outside of the realm of possibility. A friend suggested, "Maybe that's just the Spirit telling you to receive your own endowment." I'll share a link to my story about receiving the inspiration to receive my own endowment, since it started rather similar to yours and is far easier than retelling it.


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