Few Will Find Celestial Glory


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4 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

No, but frankly some of your posts come off as though you think we’ve been.  And it’s frankly it’s becoming a little irritating.

When people feel their sincere attempts to help are being treated flippantly, they are wont to respond in kind.  


I asked a few questions. You can not do this here

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  1. 1. Have I done any good in the world today?
    Have I helped anyone in need?
    Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
    If not, I have failed indeed.
    Has anyone's burden been lighter today
    Because I was willing to share?
    Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
    When they needed my help was I there?
  2. (Chorus)
    Then wake up and do something more
    Than dream of your mansion above.
    Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
    A blessing of duty and love.
  3. 2. There are chances for work all around just now,
    Opportunities right in our way.
    Do not let them pass by, saying, "Sometime I'll try,"
    But go and do something today.
    'Tis noble of man to work and to give;
    Love's labor has merit alone.
    Only he who does something helps others to live.
    To God each good work will be known.
  4. Text and music: Will L. Thompson, 1847-1909, alt.
I think perhaps someone might be getting consumed by what their final reward will be. May I suggest taking each day one day at a time and closing out each session on bended knee to our Heavenly Father. Getting absorbed by future reward thoughts seem to do more harm than good, in my opinion. Rejoice in your daily successes and repent and try again with your failures. God is far more loving than most people believe and yes, He does expect us to strive daily to be our best. Let's return the love by being grateful to Him and striving with greater resolve each day to serve Him.
Edited by Overwatch
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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, Overwatch said:

I think perhaps someone might be getting consumed by what their final reward will be. May I suggest taking each day one day at a time and closing out each session on bended knee to our Heavenly Father. Getting absorbed by future reward thoughts seem to do more harm than good, in my opinion. Rejoice in your daily successes and repent and try again with your failures. God is far more loving than most people believe and yes, He does expect us to strive daily to be our best. Let's return the love by being grateful to Him and striving with greater resolve each day to serve Him.


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2 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

This is truly a simple question - "you" do. I would invite you to read the Book of Mormon all the way through focusing on two elements: moral agency and perfection.


man is not a machine and then it goes automatically



a human can change his opinion

many do it


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6 hours ago, goor_de said:


People are not a cake. they are already changing or the free will in the sky is turned off

Two fallacies within this line of thinking:

1) Change is not required for free will to exist

2) Free will doesn't turn off because you do not change

Evidence of free will is opposition, or simply the presence of opposition. As God is an unchanging being, and we know his free will exists, it is self-evident free will or agency or moral agency doesn't require "change" otherwise the Savior could have never been perfect.

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51 minutes ago, goor_de said:


I asked a few questions. You can not do this here

It’s not about your asking questions.  It’s about your blowing off people’s answers with two-line platitudes that fail to meaningfully engage with the answer that was offered. 

Your posts give every indication of being insincere.

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11 minutes ago, goor_de said:

man is not a machine and then it goes automatically

a human can change his opinion

many do it


We are in agreement that [humans] are not machines, which is irrelevant to the question I responded to. Humans can "change" as humans can choose not to change, thus again, "you" guarantee (personal accountability and responsibility) if you change or do not change.

It is a fallacy to believe that because we have free will or agency or moral agency that this must mean we "must" change.

No one here is debating the human opportunity to change. If we have the ability to choose to change, then we have the ability to choose to not change or to continue the path we know to be good.

These are really simple tenets of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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10 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

It’s not about your asking questions.  It’s about your blowing off people’s answers with two-line platitudes that fail to meaningfully engage with the answer that was offered. 

Your posts give every indication of being insincere.

37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. 

I am in conformity with the script

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6 hours ago, goor_de said:

Völlig ernst! Völlig, I tell you!

(The initial "v" is pronounced "f", and the umlauted "ö" sounds similar to the English "short u". Don't you just love how sneakily German ends up sounding like English? Full of cognates, but very different cognates from what you'd get in French or Spanish or Italian. It's enough to make you think that German is a part of the English language family. :) )

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