Halloween Hangman

Dr T

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Halloween was never heard of when I was growing up in Oz, we celebrated Guy Faulks night on Nov 5 (did the whole bonfire and fireworks) and Melbourne Cup Day (first Tuesday on November we have a horse race that everyone watches and we have a public holiday to celebrate)

Last year for the first time some kids turned up at the door and we had no idea what to do! What kind of lollies (candy) do you normally hand out? Mixed bags or chocolate bars, lollipops, hard candy? How much do you give each kid? How do you trust nutters not to give out "bad" lollies (as in poison etc)?

Part of me doesn't want our culture to Americanize, so maybe I should just ignore it and hope it doesn't really take off. But I can see that it would be fun for kids.

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Halloween was never heard of when I was growing up in Oz, we celebrated Guy Faulks night on Nov 5 (did the whole bonfire and fireworks) and Melbourne Cup Day (first Tuesday on November we have a horse race that everyone watches and we have a public holiday to celebrate)

Last year for the first time some kids turned up at the door and we had no idea what to do! What kind of lollies (candy) do you normally hand out? Mixed bags or chocolate bars, lollipops, hard candy? How much do you give each kid? How do you trust nutters not to give out "bad" lollies (as in poison etc)?

Part of me doesn't want our culture to Americanize, so maybe I should just ignore it and hope it doesn't really take off. But I can see that it would be fun for kids.

served my mission in England....loved celebrating Guy Faulks night
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