Lame Jokes To Tell The Kids

Dr T

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Here's one my son loves every time I tell it:

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Orange who?


And another:

Why doesn't the Queen wave with this hand (raise hand and wave like the Queen)?

I don't know.



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Here were my little brother's two favorite jokes as a kid...

Q: What do you say to a blue monster?

A: Cheer Up!!

Q: Where do sick boats go?

A: To the Dock!

tee hee!

And Bryan's favorite when he was 5..

Knock knock

Who's There?

Little Old Lady

Little Old Lady who?

I didn't know you knew how to yodle...

hahahahahahah :roflmbo:

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A guy went to a psychiatrist. "Doc," he said, "I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a teepee, and then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?"

The doctor replied, "It's very simple. You're two tents." (tense)

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my kids current two favorite jokes

(from the 6 yr old) what do you find on a haunted beach? a sand-witch

(from the 5 yr old) what kind of mistakes do ghosts make? boo boo's

my 2 yr old used to try to tell the bannana, bannana, bannana, orange knock knock joke. it came out something like this

2 yr old: knock knock

mommy: who's there

2 yr old: orange nanna (followed by her laughter)

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The new pirate movie is rated Argggh!

A gunman was hired to ride shotgun on a stage coach to protect it while travelling through hostile Indian territory.

Upon noticing an Indian, the driver said: 'I see one hiding by that tree out yonder! Shoot him!'

'Naw, I gotta wait. He's still just a little guy.' replied the gunman, holding his fingers about an inch apart to demonstrate how big the target appeared at the end of his sight.

After getting closer, the nervous driver yelled: 'OK, Go ahead, he's gotta gun! Shoot him!'

'Naw, he's still only this big.' said the gunman calmly as he held his fingers about four inches apart.

Suddenly the Indian jumped from behind the tree and began to run to the coach. He leaped toward it and grabbed on.

'Shoot him already! Shoot him!' screamed the driver.

The gunman, with a look of disgust, yelled back: 'I can't shoot that man! I've known him since he was a little guy!'


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A gunman was hired to ride shotgun on a stage coach to protect it while travelling through hostile Indian territory.

Upon noticing an Indian, the driver said: 'I see one hiding by that tree out yonder! Shoot him!'

'Naw, I gotta wait. He's still just a little guy.' replied the gunman, holding his fingers about an inch apart to demonstrate how big the target appeared at the end of his sight.

After getting closer, the nervous driver yelled: 'OK, Go ahead, he's gotta gun! Shoot him!'

'Naw, he's still only this big.' said the gunman calmly as he held his fingers about four inches apart.

Suddenly the Indian jumped from behind the tree and began to run to the coach. He leaped toward it and grabbed on.

'Shoot him already! Shoot him!' screamed the driver.

The gunman, with a look of disgust, yelled back: 'I can't shoot that man! I've known him since he was a little guy!'


LOL!! :wow:
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