Handicap Parking

Lost Boy

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I went to the store the other day and saw a event take place. 

All of the handicap spots were full.  So one car had been waiting for a spot to open and when did another driver sneaked into the spot before the driver who had been waiting.  So the one who had been waiting starts blasting her horn...  both were women.  The driver of the car that got the space gets out of her car, so the lady that didn't get space gets out of hers as well.  Now I could be completely wrong about this, but neither one appeared to be handicap...  At least not how they were moving around anyway.  The lady that got the spot proceeds into the store while the lady that didn't get the spot got back into her vehicle and commenced to honking the horn again..

btw, this particular store borders on the low rent area of town and the handicap spots are always full.  You go across town to the other supermarket of the same name that is a little more affluent part of town and the handicap spots are mostly empty.  It seems like the same amount of people shop at the same store.  I do have theories about this.

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7 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Handicapped people are not exempt from jerks among them.

Let's not join the jerks by judging their handicaps - no matter how invisible it is to us.  

After watching their spat, I am pretty sure I saw their handicap.   Oh, dang...  I judged again.  Yeah, I guess I am a bit of a jerk when I see people taking advantage of others.

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I gotta jump in here, on the "doesn't appear handicapped to me" quip.

My wife has rhuematoid arthritis. That's an autoimmune disease where your body attacks the linings in your joints and causes inflammation and pain. It gets bad enough that my wife will sometimes use an electric scooter to get around. But it comes and it goes, sometimes she can be at barely a hobble, other times she can barely get out of bed. Sometimes she's doing okay but if she does a lot of walking, like from the back of the parking lot for example, she'll pay for it with an inflammation attack the next day.

Sometimes people really do have difficulty getting around even if it's not immediately apparent.


*Gets down from soap box*

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Getting into a fight over parking spaces is one of those situations where the best possible outcome entails you “winning” and walking away while a guy who now hates your guts is standing next to your shiny, unattended vehicle with a set of sharp keys in his hand.  

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What bugs me I when I go to the store, and my legs will sometimes hurt so badly that it's difficult to stand, and there are no handicapped shopping carts.  The ones I'm talking about are the motorized ones.  For a long time I hoped, I prayed, that I would never be in a spot to need one of those, seeing how rude people are to those using them.  Especially store employees.  Well, my prayers were ignored.  Sometimes I have a choice, go shopping or starve.  Sometimes I have no choice but to walk.  And sometimes I feel so good that I *can* walk with minimal pain.

Years ago I took a leave of absence from working for the town and as a volly firefighter and went to get re-enlisted in the Army.  I was instead, 2 days before signing on the dotted line, nearly killed by a drunk driver.  Messed up knees, left hip, herniated 4 out of 5 vertebrae in my back and neck.  And we have these snot-nosed high schoolers and college punks that think "oh, I'm not feeling well, I think I'm gonna use the handicap cart". 

Karma, punk.  It's coming for ya.


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On 5/21/2018 at 6:07 AM, anatess2 said:

Handicapped people are not exempt from jerks among them.

Let's not join the jerks by judging their handicaps - no matter how invisible it is to us.  

Our Walmart had a few "expectant mothers" spaces.  My wife was so thankful for these since she'd been pregnant for about 35% of our married life (I'm permitted to round in this instance).  One day she was waiting for a spot where another expectant mother was leaving.  But because of traffic flow, another car slid in before her. She was so upset and sore and tired.  She then noticed that the man who got out was surprisingly NOT pregnant, nor was the non-existent passenger he was (not) transporting. 

She honked at him.  He glanced back and gave a smirk and went on about his day.  Nope, no justification to judge here.

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16 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Our Walmart had a few "expectant mothers" spaces.  My wife was so thankful for these since she'd been pregnant for about 35% of our married life (I'm permitted to round in this instance).  One day she was waiting for a spot where another expectant mother was leaving.  But because of traffic flow, another car slid in before her. She was so upset and sore and tired.  She then noticed that the man who got out was surprisingly NOT pregnant, nor was the non-existent passenger he was (not) transporting. 

She honked at him.  He glanced back and gave a smirk and went on about his day.  Nope, no justification to judge here.

Dude... did you just assume the driver's gender???  


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On 5/22/2018 at 3:41 PM, Just_A_Guy said:

Getting into a fight over parking spaces is one of those situations where the best possible outcome entails you “winning” and walking away while a guy who now hates your guts is standing next to your shiny, unattended vehicle with a set of sharp keys in his hand.  

Another reason it's good to have a beater.  And to wash it rarely enough that people are afraid to touch it.  (I did clean the license plates, windshield and lights every time I put gas in, but the rest of it would grow a thick coat of dust and grime until I needed to clean it off to fix something.)

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