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53 minutes ago, Fether said:

It displeases me that that you feel you could run the church better than God. Because even though the prophets and apostles are men, they still speak on behalf of God. 

This is not a society of men doing our best with what we have, this is the gospel of Jesus Christ in it’s purest. The things that happen via decision of the prophets and apostles are meant to be. The blacks were not meant to have the priesthood until the prophet received revelation for it. The guidance they give us is to be followed to the spirit and to the letter

^ [Facepalm]

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47 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Good! I'm glad you are stepping outside your box and seeing that there are different types of LDS. Very proud of you, and I mean that seriously. So many people stay in their own little world their entire life

I have traveled the world but still tried to remain faithful to my Christian beliefs

47 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

1) I actually told the OP not to get one, so I wasn't advocating anything.

I saw that and did appreciate that

48 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

2) I haven't had a temple recommend in a few years, but when I did, I still got tattoos.  I was even endowed/sealed to my lovely wife and I baptized two people. Aren't I amazing?  I did all of that while planning my next tattoo

None of my business that you don't have one but since you mentioned it get one again. Lots of work to be done. I have to start going to the one nearest me, which is a few hours away but there is work to be done.

(I still think not being able to drink coffee and being able to get tattoos doesn't make sense)

50 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

3) I'm sorry you are saddened by it. Cheer up!

Why thank you.

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, Overwatch said:

I have traveled the world but still tried to remain faithful to my Christian beliefs

I saw that and did appreciate that

None of my business that you don't have one but since you mentioned it get one again. Lots of work to be done. I have to start going to the one nearest me, which is a few hours away but there is work to be done.

(I still think not being able to drink coffee and being able to get tattoos doesn't make sense)

Why thank you.

You can travel all across the world and still be sheltered.


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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, Overwatch said:

You have no idea. I'd give you my last package of bacon if I saw you in need of it. 

I'm a vegetarian, but thank you. 

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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, Overwatch said:

Sheltered from what? Bad decisions?  Maybe

Sheltered from how others think.

In a way, it's sort of a moot point. People with tattoos are diverse and hardly think the same on every issue, but most aren't pounding on the doors of the church and asking to be let in.

I'm concered that your attitude may turn others off, even those without tattoos-after all, if you are so severe and passionate about tattoos, you'll probably be just as severe and passionate about their own weaknesses and flaws.

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23 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Sheltered from how others think.

In a way, it's sort of a moot point. People with tattoos are diverse and hardly a bastion of monolithic thought, but most aren't pounding on the doors of the church and asking to be let in.

I'm concered that your attitude may turn others off, even those without tattoos-after all, if you are so severe and passionate about tattoos, you'll probably be just as severe and passionate about their own weaknesses and flaws.

No, I have been held to a high standard all my life and received waaaaay more chastising than a simple "oh that makes The Lord sad" Men have become weak and seek to excuse themselves. "Oh you should be happy I am at church" or "at least I am trying"

I wonder how that would transfer to my job "well, I am trying to do my best to save patient's lives, I was careful MOST of the time"

It's weak man and you know it deep inside. We need to stop being pathetic and take back our pride. At work I push for change and so do those around me. We are constantly looking to improve and YES, we call each other out when we are being stupid  or when things can be done better.

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Guest MormonGator
41 minutes ago, Overwatch said:

YES, we call each other out when we are being stupid  or when things can be done better.

You overestimate your influence. 

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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, Overwatch said:

Got your brain going and remembering you need to get your recommend back. I think today was successful.

I think I'll email the bishop back and postpone the meeting about it, come to think of it. And I'm still getting the tattoo I have scheduled in a couple of weeks. 0-2. 

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4 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I think I'll email the bishop back and postpone the meeting about it, come to think of it. And I'm still getting the tattoo I have scheduled in a couple of weeks. 0-2. 

Weak bro. Cut off your nose to spite your face.

This is exactly what I am talking about, this is why we are losing the battle.

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4 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

You are right, but for reasons you may not understand. 

The Elect hear the voice of the Lord and follow. They don't seek to excuse or cover their sin but fight it head on. Am I perfect? Nope. I was given a task by a church leader that I thought was dumb BUT I am still doing it. Even tonight >:C

I am not your leader, I am your brother. Anything I say here has no effect except in your mind and heart. I am my brothers keeper, as you are mine. There are some things you guys say that I take to heart. Others words I toss away but I always have something to ponder when I close the window.

Congratulations on your Bishop meeting, I hope it is a good one.

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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, Overwatch said:

Congratulations on your Bishop meeting, I hope it is a good one.

I never had one in the first place and was kidding-but if one comes into play, I'll keep you posted. 

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16 hours ago, Overwatch said:

I really find it appalling that people can hold a temple recommend while actively defiling their bodies (getting tattoos) but can't hold a recommend because they drink Coffee and are defiling their bodies from the inside. I am going to talk to my bishop about this and maybe get it pushed up the chain. I find it completely nonsensical for one to count and the other not to.  

I really don't want someone being my Temple officiator who is drawing on their body like a toddler. No self control. Getting high off the pain. Doing it to "remember something" If you are going to forget about it then maybe YOU aren't worthy to have the flag or person marked on you. The madness is thick. 

Awe, you need a hug, don't you? C'mere, c'mere, put your head on my shoulders it's ok, there, there...

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4 hours ago, Bad Karma said:

Awe, you need a hug, don't you? C'mere, c'mere, put your head on my shoulders it's ok, there, there...

Missed me with your care bear sprinkles. Do NOT cover me while I move. You be getting all frisky and such. 



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On 6/19/2018 at 6:01 PM, Maize said:

So I understand that my body is a temple and should be treated so, however, I am having a hard time accepting the overall LDS stance on tattoos. I know my body is a temple but there is engraving on the temple (many arguments against tattoos are that you don't see graffiti on the temple (I do not believe that tattoos are graffiti. I have recently gone through some very trying times and want a tattoo that says "and it came to pass". I am just having a hard time understanding why the church is against tattoos even if the tattoo is scripture. 

(I do not want the tattoo as a reminder of these hard times but that there will always be hard times and that they will pass that I can get through anything)

Your solution is simple.  Wait six months before getting the tattoo.  If in six months you are still passionate about getting it, then get it.  I find that most trials in life aren't worth remembering all the time.  Better to let the past stay in the past and move on with a passion for the future.

I have yet to see a tattoo that makes someone look more classy with the tat than without.  It is a personal decision that will last a lifetime.  Don't do this out of an emotional impulse.  Give it six months and then make the decision.   If it really is meaningful, it will be meaningful six months from now.

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19 hours ago, Overwatch said:

That is good to know that they don't care if they make some members uncomfortable. Then they shouldn't care if I walk out or pick my children up from primary if their teachers have visible tattoos. Not what I want for my babies.

How very christian of you

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16 hours ago, Overwatch said:

Does it burn you that I am displeased by the brethren taking so long to give the blacks equal rights?

Doesn't burn me, you can think that, but the brethren didn't give blacks equal rights.....God did.


16 hours ago, Overwatch said:

Does it displease you that I do not advocate early age marriage?

Nope I don't advocate it either I think early age marriage is a mistake.  I also don't think that the Brethren advocate it either


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8 hours ago, Overwatch said:

Missed me with your care bear sprinkles. Do NOT cover me while I move. You be getting all frisky and such. 



Sugar cookie, you're the one, you make sacrament meeting lots of fun, oh sugar cookie,  oh sugar cookie. 

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