Suggested conference reading for non-member

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I forgot why I came here in the first place tonight ...

My office mate frequently asks me questions about the Church. For some reason, today we talked about Conference (yes, I know it's coming, I just don't know why the topic came up at work). He's a young guy, around 30 or so. He's pretty open to stuff and has never said anything negative in response to anything I've said. And yeah, I should probably invite him to church, but we are in close quarters and I don't want to make it difficult for either of us to come in every day. 

Anyway, I thought I might give him a Conference talk, but have no clue what would be a good choice (or, I don't want to spend 2 hours looking for an appropriate talk). I think I'd like to give him something meant for young men or something about being a priesthood holder that doesn't start from the assumption that the listener knows a lot of LDS theology. Maybe something that focuses on the manly man aspects of the priesthood - family leadership, provident living, and just being a goodly man.

Any suggestions? Any favorite talks that you like to give to young men? Thanks.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/4/2018 at 7:31 PM, Just_A_Guy said:

Uchtdorf’s “Behold the Man” from last conference doesn’t exactly fit the bill for being geared towards men, but it’s pretty good about not presuming the listener is strongly versed in Mormon theology.

What does this mean?

"The responses ranged from surprising and strange to insightful and thought-provoking. Among them, the
day when a prehistoric asteroid struck the Yucatán Peninsula"

Thank you,


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1 minute ago, GaleG said:

What does this mean?

"The responses ranged from surprising and strange to insightful and thought-provoking. Among them, the
day when a prehistoric asteroid struck the Yucatán Peninsula"

Thank you,


That would be the asteroid that scientists believe ended the reign of the dinosaurs.

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3 hours ago, GaleG said:

What does this mean?

"The responses ranged from surprising and strange to insightful and thought-provoking. Among them, the
day when a prehistoric asteroid struck the Yucatán Peninsula"

Thank you,


Did you read the sentence just before that which you quoted?

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1 minute ago, GaleG said:

Thank you. I did some research and found that scientists also believe there was a strike in that area.

Waitaminute.  Dinosaurs were unionized?!?! No wonder they went extinct!!! :)

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