Mormon vs Trump


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21 hours ago, let’s roll said:

Repost from a few weeks ago when the Dow was in the red YTD.  I’m contrite and will begin a joyful celebration of the 1% YTD gain. 😀👍

The past 2 years' economic indicators were purposefully tempered through an interest rate adjustment by the Fed Reserve.  This affects DOW.  The Fed Reserve calculates that the robust economy needs an interest rate correction to stem inflation.  Trump vehemently disagreed with the Fed Reserve actions as he believed that we are not done fixing the economy yet and, therefore, the steadily rising interest rate is premature and could potentially cause a reversal of the achievements of 2017.

Regardless of which side of this incident you fall under, the fact still remains, the economic indicators are still at an all-time-high compared to the 8 years after the 2008 recession taking into account that the interest rate for the 8 years after the recession has remained at effectively 0%... YES, that's right... effectively ZERO percent for most of 8 years.  Since 2016, the rate has steadily gone up by .25% every 3-4 months such that we are now sitting at 2.25% interest rate.  To the Fed Reserve's credit, inflation as a result of robust economic growth rose from 0.1% of non-growth in most of post recession to 2.1% immediately after the 2016 elections, causing the Fed Reserve to take corrective action.

Probably should provide data:

2008 - 2015: GDP = -0.3%, Unemployment = 6%, Inflation = 0.1%
   Dec 16 2008:  Interest Rate changed to 0.25% Effectively zero. The lowest fed funds rate possible.

   Dec 17 2015:  Interest Rate changed to 0.5%

2016: GDP = 3.2%, Unemployment = 4.6%, Inflation = 2.1%
   Dec 14 2016:  Interest Rate changed to 0.75%

2017: GDP = 2.6%, Unemployment = 4.1%, Inflation = 2.1%
   Mar 15:  Interest rate change to 1%
  Jun 14:   Changed to 1.25%
  Dec 13:   Changed to 1.5%

2018 (not yet final):  GDP = 4.2%, Unemployment = 3.7%, Inflation Rate projected at 1.9%
   Mar 21:  Interest rate changed to 1.75% upon projection of steady growth.
   Jun 13:   Increased to 2.0% as growth projections met ytd
   Sep 26:   Increased to 2.25% as growth projections met ytd


So, these are the economic indicators (as opposed to the projection-based stock market reactive to ground noise) that show you the REAL state of the economy and its upward trend.  The fact that you change interest rates from 0 to 2.25% without marked effect on the inflation rate tells you you got a strong growth rate.





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On 11/14/2018 at 3:43 PM, anatess2 said:

The FBI did not open an investigation.  Rosenstein - the Asst AG in the DOJ - installed Mueller to head a special investigation using Comey's firing as a trigger.  DOJ.  Not FBI.

And yes, the DOJ won't just do that on a whim... Rod Rosenstein had a big role in Spygate.  The Mueller investigation is a Spygate cover-up masked as a Russian collusion investigation.  Spygate is a giant ball of wax but I can simplify it for the purpose of making you, at least, aware of its existence by this summary:  The Obama Administration spied on the Trump Campaign by securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Approval.  The FISA application used a Fake Dossier put together by a British Intelligence Agent who works with the FBI and was bought and paid for by a law firm hired by the Clinton Campaign.  The RNC is implicated through McCain's delivery of the Dossier from the British Agent to the FBI.  In addition, the FBI set up an operation with British and Australian diplomats to implicate an unsuspecting Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor as the source of information that Russia is in possession of Hillary's missing emails which is also used in the FISA application.  Rod Rosenstein is one of the signers of the FISA application.

The DOJ and the FBI as well as certain Democrats and Republicans in cooperation with the media have been neck-deep in covering up all this.

That was clear as mud to me. I guess I just don't speak the language. I've given up any hope or desire to speak it. 

My opinion is that, as much as I like him,  Romney could never win a presidential election, even if he could oust Trump in the Primarys. He's too much of a chameleon.

What about Huntsman?

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12 hours ago, carlimac said:

That was clear as mud to me. I guess I just don't speak the language. I've given up any hope or desire to speak it. 

My opinion is that, as much as I like him,  Romney could never win a presidential election, even if he could oust Trump in the Primarys. He's too much of a chameleon.

What about Huntsman?

It's not the language.  It's the giant web of events that encompass a word.  For example - Watergate.  Anybody who has not been following the events that led to Nixon's resignation wouldn't know what Watergate is.

Romney CANNOT win a primary against Trump.  The Republican Party is now a Trump coalition.  Even Lindsey Graham is on Trump's side now.  A 2 time loser prior to Trump due to his questionable claims to conservatism will get squashed against Trump who has conservative achievements to back his claim to conservatism.  Add to that his actions against the RNC in 2016 and he's toast.

I campaigned for Romney in 2012.  Then in 2016, he voiced support for ANTIFA.  I couldn't believe it.  What a political hack!

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16 hours ago, carlimac said:

That was clear as mud to me. I guess I just don't speak the language. I've given up any hope or desire to speak it. 

My opinion is that, as much as I like him,  Romney could never win a presidential election, even if he could oust Trump in the Primarys. He's too much of a chameleon.

What about Huntsman?

Huntsman would crush anybody in a general. His problem is he stands no chance in a primary. I would vote for him in the general over any Democrat.

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2 hours ago, Vort said:

That's what I (and the Democrats) thought about Trump.

Except Romney has had 2 chances and lost both times.

He would have a higher chance of winning if he runs as a Democract.  Except, the way the Democrats are going, he's gonna be crushed by somebody to the left of Bernie Sanders.

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I don't want a Latter-Day Saint in office, I want a conservative. I want someone who will shed the pretense that the political Left is valid and estimable and oppose it for the obviously Satanic ideological prison that it is. Trump is not that, though he has been conservative in many ways, he has also been too moderate in others.

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On 11/24/2018 at 3:24 PM, carlimac said:

I sense that Trump is burning out. He's making less and less sense in every big decision or action he takes. Dementia? 


From what I'm paying attention to, he has just gotten even better.   So, what are you referring to?

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23 hours ago, LePeel said:

I don't want a Latter-Day Saint in office, I want a conservative. I want someone who will shed the pretense that the political Left is valid and estimable and oppose it for the obviously Satanic ideological prison that it is. Trump is not that, though he has been conservative in many ways, he has also been too moderate in others.

Monster painting is never a good thing regardless of where on the political fence you sit on.  Swinging the pendulum to the radical right is BAD.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

From what I'm paying attention to, he has just gotten even better.   So, what are you referring to?

Making some off the wall decisions that don't sit well with either party. Troops at the border? Seriously?  I can't remember what else but it was just this niggling thoughts along the way that his mental health doesn't seem really strong. 

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11 minutes ago, carlimac said:

Making some off the wall decisions that don't sit well with either party. Troops at the border? Seriously?  I can't remember what else but it was just this niggling thoughts along the way that his mental health doesn't seem really strong. 

Troops at the border is SERIOUSLY.

Border Partrol has been begging for help.  So you'd rather your military go defend Afghanistan's borders and not your own?  Are you one of the people who think that thousands of mostly males carrying a foreign flag, refusing asylum in Mexico, breaking barrier infrastructures, throwing rocks and bottles at law enforcers, and demanding entry into the the US is NOT an invasion?

Your niggling thoughts of mental health is fed by CNN, et. al's reckless, baseless, and endless attacks on a sitting President's mental health even to the point of shaming the White House physician who has served several sitting Presidents of either party before Trump.

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25 minutes ago, carlimac said:

Troops at the border? Seriously?  

Heh.  I see that as of 10:35 AM today,'s main page has dropped all mention of the situation in Tiajuana.  No news stories to be found there regarding the tear-gassing or mass arrests.  No mention that Mexico is handcuffing and deporting some of the more lawless elements in the caravan.   I see on Foxnews, the main page is full of story after story about it.

I guess we're seeing who wants us to keep this caravan of migrants on everyone's mind, and who wishes we'd all just stop talking about it.

Carlimac, if you think Trump's sending troops to our borders is a sign of his slipping mental health, I'd suggest you find some better news sources.  

Suggestion: isn't half bad.

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When it comes to news, I see what everybody has to say at, then I go look for a handful of youtube videos, some blog posts.  WSJ and Stratfor are usually insightful. 

Honestly, the notion that people still use CNN as their main source of news, just makes me shudder.  It's like going only to the KKK to find out about civil rights. 

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15 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:


Carlimac, if you think Trump's sending troops to our borders is a sign of his slipping mental health, I'd suggest you find some better news sources.  

And just to complete this picture... you know, like how CNN tried to convince people that Trump put immigrant children in cages using a 2014 picture of an immigrant child in a cage... W Bush and Obama both sent troops to the southern border at some point in their presidencies.

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Guest MormonGator
40 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Honestly, the notion that people still use CNN as their main source of news, just makes me shudder.

Remember, people say the same thing about Foxnews. 

I watch both and make up my own mind. 

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16 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

When it comes to news, I see what everybody has to say at, then I go look for a handful of youtube videos, some blog posts.  WSJ and Stratfor are usually insightful. 

Honestly, the notion that people still use CNN as their main source of news, just makes me shudder.  It's like going only to the KKK to find out about civil rights. 

Diversifying news sources is always good.  Knowing the bias of the news source is even better.  But, I believe it is still not enough.  Keeping an ear on the news as a HABIT - an ongoing interest - instead of just tuning in when something sensational comes up is what keeps our nose primed to sniff out BS opinions/propaganda disguised as news.

I will give you an illustrative example.  Here are 2 news articles from the past few days - Corporate Debt Bubble (a predicted market crash like the one caused by the housing market bubble):

This is the guy who broke this story:

This is a guy who responded to it:

So, right now, this is not big news.  It's just something out there on the sidelines so it hasn't yet gotten swallowed by the propaganda machine.  So, you can pretty much read these 2 news articles and pick out the pertinent facts of the issue - corporate debt through quantitative easing is how Obama took the super bad economy he inherited into a growing economy as he exited the stage.  This is what Trump inherited.  So, without the "heat of the news coyotes" pulling your emotions one way or the other, you can objectively study these facts and try to figure out if this is good/bad - do you think quantitative easing and 0% Fed Interest Rate was a good thing?  Do you think a steady increase in interest rates is a good thing now?  

Now, because I've been keeping tabs on economic indicators for a while (mainly because I like to know which currency I need to be keeping as I travel between the US and the Philippines), I know that the Fed Reserve have been steadily raising interest rates while Trump has been blasting the Fed Reserve on twitter about not raising interest rates this fast because he doesn't want the economy to stall... I'm sure Trump is aware of this Corporate Debt bubble that could burst if the economy stalls.  I'm also sure the Fed Reserve are not that stupid as to maliciously increase rates just to "get Trump" through the bubble bursting (although, the way politics is going today - with even Justice Roberts taking his pound of flesh defending the indefensible - you can never be really sure).

So, I'm going to predict that if this Corporate Debt Bubble bursts tomorrow (an intrinsic feature of Capitalism to self-correct imbalance) this is going to be the 24/7 wall-to-wall news:

CNN:  Trump Economy Falls into Recession (Stelter and Cooper would have exclusives on how they predicted that Trump would be bad for the economy)
MSNBC:  Trump Brings the country into Bankruptcy like his property in Atlantic City (Maddow would have an exclusive about Trump's bankruptcies)
New York Times:  Trump has finally proven that he doesn't know what he is doing
Vox:  Trump eats 2 scoops of ice cream and binges on diet coke after his economic failures
Fox News:  Trump's re-election in doubt as economy falls into recession.  (Hemmer would have a feature on who is the best candidate strong in the economy to challenge Trump in the primaries and Shep Smith would be parotting whatever they're saying in CNN)
Brietbart:  After taking credit for Trump's booming economy, Obama should now take credit for the failed economy.
InfoWars:  Trump saves the economy by letting corporate debt bubble burst.  Bill Clinton is still a rapist.


But... if you have been paying attention... you'll know exactly why there's a Corporate Debt Bubble and you'll know exactly why it burst regardless of how the facts are presented in any news source.  And you would already have formed an opinion on it.

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2 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Diversifying news sources is always good.  Knowing the bias of the news source is even better.  But, I believe it is still not enough.  Keeping an ear on the news as a HABIT - an ongoing interest - instead of just tuning in when something sensational comes up is what keeps our nose primed to sniff out BS opinions/propaganda disguised as news.

I will give you an illustrative example.  Here are 2 news articles from the past few days - Corporate Debt Bubble (a predicted market crash like the one caused by the housing market bubble):

This is the guy who broke this story:

This is a guy who responded to it:

So, right now, this is not big news.  It's just something out there on the sidelines so it hasn't yet gotten swallowed by the propaganda machine.  So, you can pretty much read these 2 news articles and pick out the pertinent facts of the issue - corporate debt through quantitative easing is how Obama took the super bad economy he inherited into a growing economy as he exited the stage.  This is what Trump inherited.  So, without the "heat of the news coyotes" pulling your emotions one way or the other, you can objectively study these facts and try to figure out if this is good/bad - do you think quantitative easing and 0% Fed Interest Rate was a good thing?  Do you think a steady increase in interest rates is a good thing now?  

Now, because I've been keeping tabs on economic indicators for a while (mainly because I like to know which currency I need to be keeping as I travel between the US and the Philippines), I know that the Fed Reserve have been steadily raising interest rates while Trump has been blasting the Fed Reserve on twitter about not raising interest rates this fast because he doesn't want the economy to stall... I'm sure Trump is aware of this Corporate Debt bubble that could burst if the economy stalls.  I'm also sure the Fed Reserve are not that stupid as to maliciously increase rates just to "get Trump" through the bubble bursting (although, the way politics is going today - with even Justice Roberts taking his pound of flesh defending the indefensible - you can never be really sure).

So, I'm going to predict that if this Corporate Debt Bubble bursts tomorrow (an intrinsic feature of Capitalism to self-correct imbalance) this is going to be the 24/7 wall-to-wall news:

CNN:  Trump Economy Falls into Recession (Stelter and Cooper would have exclusives on how they predicted that Trump would be bad for the economy)
MSNBC:  Trump Brings the country into Bankruptcy like his property in Atlantic City (Maddow would have an exclusive about Trump's bankruptcies)
New York Times:  Trump has finally proven that he doesn't know what he is doing
Vox:  Trump eats 2 scoops of ice cream and binges on diet coke after his economic failures
Fox News:  Trump's re-election in doubt as economy falls into recession.  (Hemmer would have a feature on who is the best candidate strong in the economy to challenge Trump in the primaries and Shep Smith would be parotting whatever they're saying in CNN)
Brietbart:  After taking credit for Trump's booming economy, Obama should now take credit for the failed economy.
InfoWars:  Trump saves the economy by letting corporate debt bubble burst.  Bill Clinton is still a rapist.


But... if you have been paying attention... you'll know exactly why there's a Corporate Debt Bubble and you'll know exactly why it burst regardless of how the facts are presented in any news source.  And you would already have formed an opinion on it.

Do you think the student debt bubble is bigger than the corporate debt bubble?

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5 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Monster painting is never a good thing regardless of where on the political fence you sit on.  Swinging the pendulum to the radical right is BAD.

I don't agree that it's monster painting. The political left's positions are opposite at every point to the Gosepl of Christ. They couldn't be any more obvious if they wore a sign around their necks.

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