Why You Should Be Asking “What Now?” Instead of “Why Me?” When Facing Adversity

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Let's face it, our lives can get pretty challenging at times. Some seem to have it worse than others, going through things I can't even fathom. But you can't live without going through at least a few bitter experiences. That said, people generally approach their challenges differently. Some people, for instance, ask "why me?" when facing adversity. Others ask themselves "what now?" I will examine how these approaches differ, why the latter approach is healthier, and how we can become Saints who ask the latter question. The Problem With the "Why Me?" Approach I know, it can be awfully easy to ask "why me?". But when you ask "why is this happening to me?" you are really comparing yourself to others. In essence, you are asking why this thing you're dealing with couldn't have happened to someone else. You blame God and others for your bad fortune. Envy and jealousy seep in, and you wish ill on others. But something else happens too when you ask "why me." Your already tough experience...

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