Book of Mormon Villain Reveals Critical Misunderstanding About Revelation

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There had been heavy losses on both sides of the battlefield. Many Nephites lay dead in the blood-soaked valley near Manti, their helmets split in half by the ferocious Lamanites. But it wasn't just Lamanites who raged against the Nephite battalions. Amalekites and Zoramites had joined the Lamanite cause. In fact, it was they, the apostate Nephites, who had incited the Lamanite attack against their former brethren. But the Nephites had come out on top. Despite fighting "like dragons," the Lamanites were cornered. The Nephite captain, Lehi, stood with his armies on the East bank of the river Sidon. Another Nephite captain, 25-year-old Moroni stood with his armored ranks on the West side of the river, hedging the remainder of the Lamanites between the two armies. Via The enemy was surrounded. Among the surviving Lamanites was Zerahemnah, the enemy's dangerously bold leader. Captain Moroni gave the order to stop fighting. The Nephite soldiers pulled back a few paces. The battle was won. Justice had been served. It was mercy's turn....

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Alma 44:10 And now when Zerahemnah had made an end of speaking these words, Moroni returned the sword and the weapons of war, which he had received, unto Zerahemnah, saying: Behold, we will end the conflict.

I love that Captain Moroni was not only prepared, he was comitted.  

As Mormon edited the golden plates he particularly honored & respected Captain Moroni.  Not only did he write Alma 48:17. Mormon named his son after the warrior-prophet.


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