Church History: Joseph Smith Raises a Dead Man

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There are few things in life that I find more intriguing than stories of people being raised from the dead — and this story about Joseph Smith and early Church member William Huntington did not disappoint. William Huntington related the story of this miracle to Levi Curtis, another early member of the Church, and Levi recorded the following: "He said he had been sick some weeks and kept getting weaker, until he became so helpless that he could not move. Finally he got so low he could not speak, but had perfect consciousness of all that was passing in the room. He saw friends come to the bedside, look at him a moment and commence weeping, then turn away. He further stated that he presently felt easy, and observing his situation found that he was in the upper part of the room near the ceiling, and could see the body he had occupied lying on the bed, with weeping friends, standing around as he had witnessed in many cases where...

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On 1/2/2019 at 8:05 PM, MormonHub said:

There are few things in life that I find more intriguing than stories of people being raised from the dead — and this story about Joseph Smith and early Church member William Huntington did not disappoint. William Huntington related the story of this miracle to Levi Curtis, another early member of the Church, and Levi recorded the following: "He said he had been sick some weeks and kept getting weaker, until he became so helpless that he could not move. Finally he got so low he could not speak, but had perfect consciousness of all that was passing in the room. He saw friends come to the bedside, look at him a moment and commence weeping, then turn away. He further stated that he presently felt easy, and observing his situation found that he was in the upper part of the room near the ceiling, and could see the body he had occupied lying on the bed, with weeping friends, standing around as he had witnessed in many cases where...

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Did William Huntington give a testimony somewhat like a near death experience account of these days?


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