What Latter-day Saints Do in Each Room of Their Temples (With Pictures and Descriptions)

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Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints might seem awfully mysterious to those who haven't been inside one before. That's truly unfortunate because it leads many people to believe we're a religion with something to hide. The fact is that there are some things we consider extremely sacred and don't share outside the temple, but we're also anxious for everyone in the world to experience the full mystery of the temple firsthand. It's one of the reasons we have tens of thousands of missionaries throughout the world. There are a few aspects of the temple so sacred we're asked not to discuss them publicly. But sometimes we Latter-day Saints interpret that to mean we can't talk about most anything we do in the temple. That's simply not true. So, while there are a few things I can't won't talk about here, most of what we do in the temple is shareable. In fact, most of the more detailed descriptions of temple worship included in this article are quotes from scripture and...

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