10 Guaranteed Ways to Get Your Kids to Listen to a Gospel-Oriented Lesson

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With the new emphasis on gospel teaching at home, many parents are intimidated by the thought of transplanting a 50 minute Sunday School lesson into their living room. As the mother of eight children, I have had a successful (and unsuccessful) lesson or two with kids of all ages. Here's what I have learned to do (and not to do) whether you want to teach your children about Lehi's Dream or the principle of honesty. 1. For Heaven's Sake, Don't Call it a "Lesson" via Pixabay Call it a game, a chat, a story, or a snack...but do NOT call it a lesson! Games get a "yay!" Stories pique interest. Snacks call to children's never-ending appetites. But lessons result in eye-rolls as kids get visions of having to sit still for an hour straight and flashbacks of every boring lecture about the Old Testament they have ever had. So...wording is extremely important here! Say the right word and you will get an amazing response! I promise. 2. Time is of the Essence via Pixabay This can be tricky when...

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