13 C. S. Lewis Proverbs That Are so True They Should Be Canonized

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C. S. Lewis (Clive Staples Lewis) is simply a theological genius in my book. Mere Christianity? Excellent. The Screwtape Letters? Timeless. The Chronicles of Narnia? Meaningful. Prophets and apostles quote him frequently, and for good reason. He offers incredible insights into religion and personal spirituality. Here are 13 of my favorite C. S. Lewis proverbs, provided by the Twitter account @CSLewisDaily, that I would be totally fine with canonizing as scripture right now. 1. How to measure the strength of temptation https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1084679287729311744 2. I want this slapped all over my living room in huge vinyl lettering https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1084420750650437633 3. Makes sense to me... https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1079603525502435329 4. Being a true Christian just got more difficult https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1082226606645497857 5. God doesn't necessarily care how "smart" you are https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1083275045307219969 6. How to love more fully https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1076756439056576512 7. For when you always feel like you should be doing more https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1070150899274735618 8. When you feel like God isn't answering your prayers https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1069084294591606784 9. Why do bad things happen to good people? https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1068060973141975040 10. Something everyone, especially missionaries, needs to hear https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1064356764638830593 11. Something to remember https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1049405303341498368 12. Sounds like a loving God to me https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1044427995472060416 13. YES, but also, YIKES! https://twitter.com/CSLewisDaily/status/1036820970755870720 What's your favorite C. S....

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CS Lewis has been a favorite of mine for many years. I have read many of his books and essays. He was a man who recognized the essence of Christianity

and used his scholarly talents to bring hope and truth to mankind in a variety of interesting ways, some very symbolic and others painfully straightforward. He has added a great deal of insight and wisdom to a self-serving and prideful world. 

Here are a few of my favorites!

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” 
"If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise its like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him."

"Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having." 

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