5 Tips for Having Serious Gospel Discussions with Your Kids

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Let's face it—we have all kinds of conversations with our children throughout the course of the day but sometimes it can still be awkward bringing up deeper gospel topics if it's not something we are accustomed to doing. However, in a world where messages of all kinds (oftentimes contrary to our beliefs) are being conveyed to our families via various forms of media, it is even more important to have frequent discussions about gospel truths with our kids. Here are a few tips for parents needing guidance on how to successfully navigate gospel topics: 1. Spontaneity via Pixabay Sometimes we feel like in order to discuss something really serious, we have to set aside a special time, put on our Sunday clothes, and sit stiffly in a job-interview type format. This couldn't be further from the truth, especially when dealing with our children. Most of the time, a message is best received when our guard is down and we feel comfortable. This means you might jump into a conversation about temple marriage...

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