Excommunication Helped me Find the Miracle I was Looking For

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From an early age, I recognized something about me that constantly tormented my thoughts and wounded my heart. Despite being brought up on the belief that I am a “child of God” and that I’m loved, I never felt it. I never felt good enough, never felt that I would succeed spiritually. At one point in my teenage years, I developed the belief that I was inherently evil. I never showed those emotions and most people thought that I was happy. I vividly remember standing in my grade school hallway watching everyone shuffle to class and thinking, “I never want anyone to feel as alone as I feel.” So, I put on a smile and started making friends with just about everyone I came to know. Even though I was frequently hurting, I did find some comfort in the scriptures. I was only socially converted to the gospel, and semi-actively went to church with very broken faith. In my youth, I found some heroes in the scriptures. Naaman was a good...

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