Bet You’ve Never Seen Hyrum Smith’s Funky-Looking Specs Before

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Man, I gotta say, you learn something new every day. Today's fun factoid appeared on my Twitter feed. The tweet was captioned, "If you can believe it, these glasses belonged to the Mormon preacher Hyrum Smith in 1844." What followed, as you see below, were a rather odd-looking pair of glasses. "Oh great," I thought, "another reason for people to think the Latter-day Saints are bonkers." But it turns out these spectacles were good for much more than watching a 3D movie or reading an invisible map off the back of the Declaration of Independence. Funky specs The spectacles in the Tweet are on display at the Church History Museum along with the clothing Hyrum was wearing when he was killed in Carthage, Illinois. But what are they? A more modern Urim and Thumim? What do they do? Sorry to disappoint, there's actually nothing religious or mystical about these glasses. They were just Hyrum's prescription sunglasses. In fact, Brigham Young had a similar pair: Brigham Young's sunglasses, on display in the Church History Museum. And if...

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