7 Current Anti-Faith Arguments The Book of Mormon Addressed Over 2000 years ago

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We often hear that The Book of Mormon was "written for our day." I've always believed it, but frankly, I've sort of written it off as a pithy one-liner good for missionary discussions and sacrament meeting talks. Until recently, that is. You see, in my line of work I'm unfortunately exposed to just about every existing argument against the Church. But in a recent scripture study I realized that that's not exactly true. People in the Book of Mormon faced the same arguments some 2000 years ago, and they wrote their experiences down so we'd learn from them. Truly, The Book of Mormon was written for our day. Argument set #1: You've never actually felt the Spirit. It's all manufactured by your own emotions. All of your spiritual experiences are nothing more than illusions or chemical responses in your brain. If you actually did have a spiritual experience, it was from Satan. He must have appeared to you as "an angel of light." You've been duped. Book of Mormon equivalent: 3...

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