Do Latter-day Saints Believe in Dinosaurs?

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There’s a long-standing notion out there that a Christian and an evolutionary view of the creation are at odds; if we believe the creation story outlined in the Bible, then it seems that the theory of evolution must be false. Growing up I remember having this idea that evolution and the creation was an uncomfortable subject among Latter-day Saints, really among Christians in general. I can’t track down a specific experience that made me think this was the case, perhaps it was just the lack of discussion about the topic as a whole that lead me to believe that it wasn’t something to be brought up. I remember looking up the question “Do Latter-day Saints believe in dinosaurs?” when I was a kid (I know, how nerdy can you get?). The only answer I found online was the idea that when God was creating the world, he took bits of other planets, which very conveniently just happened to have dinosaur fossils in them. Even to a child, though, that...

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