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2 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I haven’t said anything about your personal practice.  I merely mentioned Mormons who for self-interested reasons hide their increase in order to justify paying a lower tithe, in contrast with Church leaders who dealt with a situation quietly in a sincere attempt to promote the greater good.

You were addressing what you feel is my practice- it is no coincidence this was a topic of discussion like yesterday which I was involved in. 

It is also interesting to note that you are in support of covering up lapses in integrity for the betterment of the church. How serious does something have to be before it needs to be dealt with publicly? 

If you think your “income isn’t increase as long as I convert it from cash fast enough” regimen may fall under that umbrella—well, that’s not me saying that; it’s you. And as you suggest, it’s none of my business.  

Where did I state my income isnt increase as long as I convert it from cash fast enough?

I don’t know why you feel it needs to become the focus of this discussion, which up to now has revolved around your apparent assertion that human trafficking is morally preferable to a Seventy who tells tall tales.

I never said it is preferable, I said it wasn't as bad. I prefer my leaders not lie to me not that I believe they are, but just saying. I also prefer once these issues come up they are dealt with swiftly, with integrity and when it is a leader of the church who is a public figure- do it publicly. Sure it can be embarrassing, but that option is far better than being exposed later on down the road and then have to embark on a damage control mission. 


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3 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

*shrig* They rationalized hiding him away for purposes of protecting the Church, the way some nominal Mormons rationalize hiding their increase away for purposes of minimizing their tithing.  To each their own.  

But neither is worse than human trafficking.

Pro tip----go to urban dictionary and look up the "S" word you just 

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I'm not sure if this is what Ephedra means, but I think what some may mean when they say Dunn did worse than some local bishop, even if the Bishop's crime was worse, was in the way it portrays the organization.

An example would be in the US if a Chief of Police ran a prostitution ring, while at the same time using his position as Chief of Police (or similar position where he could do so) to get rid of other prostitution rings that were competitors.  That is bad.  It is REALLY bad.

However, from an international viewpoint, it will probably have little impact.  On the otherhand, If you have a junior Congresswoman say that we should let any and every individual who wants to come into the US and give them welfare, full medical coverage (which not even US citizens get) and be able to carry concealed weapons, a LOT more news agencies are going to notice.  She has not done a crime, but she makes a bigger impact simply because of her position vs. the other individual.

The individual who is lower on the totem pole obviously did a much worse crime, but the Congresswoman is the one that can cause far more damage to international relations than the smaller ranked individual.

In that way, it could be seen that though the Bishop obviously participated in a much worse and terrible crime, his impact on how others see the church is probably going to be less than a General Authority who some feel told some tall tales and was 'retired early' due to that and perhaps some other difficulties.


PS: Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the Greatest LDS Athletes?  I think that was a far more entertaining subject.

Edited by JohnsonJones
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Here is what one scripture says about human trafficking

Exodus 21:7  ¶ And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.


And here is what another scripture says about lying

2 Nephi 9:34  Wo unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell.


This is not a comment on the morality or immortality of lying or human trafficking. Its an observation on the limitations of using single verses of scripture to answer complex questions which is something I see from time to time.

Elsewhere, I’ve heard it suggested that there is not a lot of value in comparing the evilness of one type of sin against another because they are all bad and the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance so whether its lying or human trafficking doesn’t really matter in an eternal sense. But I’ve also heard that murder, adultery and denying the Holy Ghost are indeed more evil than other kinds of sins so perhaps some kinds of sins are worse than others.

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Guest Godless
On 3/10/2019 at 8:28 PM, JohnsonJones said:

PS: Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the Greatest LDS Athletes?  I think that was a far more entertaining subject.

Yes, and speaking of great LDS athletes....


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