Gospel Lessons in the Princess Bride

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The odds are good that at some point in your life (or many), you have watched The Princess Bride. This movie has everything: love, sword fights, pirates, and fire swamps. It is also incredibly quotable (Have fun storming the castle boys!). But The Princess Bride also has some incredible gospel truths. Westley: We are men of action. Lies do not become us. We should all strive to be men and women of action. And by that, I mean that our action should tell others who we are. We should also strive to be honest in all we do. Sister Ann M. Dibb said, “When we are honest in all things, big and small, we experience peace of mind and a clear conscience. Our relationships are enriched because they are based on trust.” When we are honest in all of our words and actions, we don’t have to worry about who knows what and what they think. We should be kind with the truth, but lies do not become us. Inigo Montoya: I just work for...

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