BREAKING: President Nelson Meets with the Pope in Rome

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The New York Times, the Washington Post and other major news outlets have just reported that President Nelson has met with the Pope, the first meeting of its kind. Although the papers report that details have not been released, has a lot more to say. President Nelson was accompanied by President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to the meeting inside the Vatican. After the meeting, which lasted a bit more than half an hour, President Nelson and President Ballard met with the press. "We had a most cordial, unforgettable experience. His Holiness, he was most gracious and warm and welcoming," said President Nelson. He continued, "What a sweet, wonderful man he is, and how fortunate the Catholic people are to have such a gracious, concerned, loving and capable leader." President Nelson said, "We talked about our mutual concern for the people who suffer throughout the world and want to relieve human suffering. We talked about the importance of religious liberty, the importance of the family, our mutual concern...

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