Brigham Young Wasn’t Who Everyone Thinks He Was, Either

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When it comes to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' leadership, it seems like the world focuses most of its attention on "Joe" Smith — was he really a prophet? Or was he a delusional cult leader? Did he actually see Deity or was he a conniving charlatan who was desperate to find money? In fact, they focus so much attention on him that sometimes the Church's second modern-day prophet, Brigham Young, slips through the cracks — at least until you hear something super offensive he's reported to have said. To be honest, when it comes to learning about Church history and the prophets, I've sometimes had less-than-cordial feelings toward Brigham Young. But that all changed when I wrote this article. If history paints Joseph Smith to be a conman, it paints Brigham Young to be a sexist, racist, condescending megalomaniac who was obsessed with having as many wives as possible. Certain splinter groups even claim that Brigham Young wasn't God's chosen prophet; that instead, the prophetic mantle either ended with...

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