7 Phrases Latter-day Saints Need on Their Living Room Wall in Vinyl Lettering

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If you don't like being told what to do, you probably shouldn't continue reading, because I'm about to do exactly that. But hopefully you'll find comfort in the fact that as I tell you what to do, I'm really telling me what to do, because I need these reminders just as much as the next guy (if not a little more). Writing them out helps me internalize them. You're just along for the ride. And while I write to a Latter-day Saint audience, this stuff really does apply to everyone, Latter-day Saint or not. Ready? Of course you are, you're a star. Here we go. 1. Love people. Love God, love thy neighbor, and even love thy enemies. No strings attached. None of this, "I'll only love you, if," junk. If you treat love like a currency, you're doing it wrong. Love is not a weapon of manipulation. It's not a bargaining chip. It's not something you should be holding ransom, especially towards those that need it most. Christ’s perfect love overcomes temptations to...

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