The Two Sides of Marital Infidelity

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This is part of an ongoing series on Healing From Infidelity. You can read the first article in this series here. Can your husband or wife’s infidelity lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? For some, the question seems overly-the-top. “Surely it’s heartbreaking,” they say, “but PTSD is for police, attack victims, firefighters, and military veterans.” However, as Dr. Shirley Glass explains in her seminal book Not Just Friends: Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity, victims of affairs often meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder. After all, their sense of security, stability, and safety was shaken. Their view of the world they live in and their relationships were upended. They no longer feel safe. If your spouse had an affair, while you may or may not fully meet the criteria for PTSD, there is a component of trauma (often called betrayal trauma) which no doubt affects your emotional health and your relationships every single day. If you cheated, understanding trauma and its effects will go a long way towards helping you...

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