You’re a Latter-day Saint and a WHAT? Prosecutor Edition

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As a legal prosecutor, AnnMarie Howard has come in contact with some of the worst the world has to offer: rape, abuse and murder. “I have to consciously make the effort to remember that there is a lot of good in this world,” said Howard. Despite the trying nature of her work, Howard’s testimony in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains unwavering; in fact, Howard has seen some parallels between her work and the principles and doctrines of the Church. Howard first decided she wanted to be a lawyer when she was in sixth grade. She credits one of her neighbors, who was an attorney, as the initial inspiration for her law career. “I just got to see that a lot of people in my community went to him for help,” said Howard.  “And he was, quite often, a spokesperson for different people, and at one point he was my bishop, so he had a profound influence on me.” Howard would go on to...

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