Mistake To Resign?


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I resigned from the church a few months ago. However, for some odd reason I can't get the church out of my system. Something keeps drawing me back to it. It is hard to explain. I don't know if resigning was the correct move for me. I read all kinds of negative things about the church online and about Joseph Smith. With Mitt Romney running for president, the church is now in the news more than ever. Can anyone please help me out? What are the steps for re-joining. Thank you in advance for your help.

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If you had home teachers, or made friends in your ward, give them a call. I'm sure they would be happy to help you.


If you have not moved since you "resigned", just go back to the same church meetinghouse you were attending. Also, talk to the bishop about your concerns. He will advise you as to what steps are necessary in order for you to join the church once more.


Call the missionaries in your area.

Welcome back.

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I am sure you know who your Bishop is. Call and set up an appointment with him. Talk to him about your concerns and where you go from here.

A word of advice. When you want to know the truth about something, don't go to those who don't belong or have part in it, to get answers. Go to the real thing. That is where you find the truth. Anyone can say anything, that does not make it true and making eternal decisions without all of the facts is not wise.

I am not trying to condemn, just suggesting that from now on, you go to the source, instead of angry people that usually know nothing of what they are talking about.

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I resigned from the church a few months ago. However, for some odd reason I can't get the church out of my system. Something keeps drawing me back to it. It is hard to explain. I don't know if resigning was the correct move for me. I read all kinds of negative things about the church online and about Joseph Smith. With Mitt Romney running for president, the church is now in the news more than ever. Can anyone please help me out? What are the steps for re-joining. Thank you in advance for your help.

This is the best thing you could do in your situation......attend Church and ask to speak with your Bishop....tell him of your feelings and admit that you made a mistake. Share with him your feelings. I am curious if you have recieved a letter from your Bishop confirming you of your name removal??? When you get that letter it will tell you that you now have 30 days to change your mind. If you have not gotten that letter then .....you may still be a member but you still need to let him know your feelings. If you would like to PM me I would be happy to "coach" you thru this. I won't promise a miracle but I will help you the best that I can.
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I'm a bit perplexed. Did you grow up in the church? Had you received the normal instructions (which I understand are fairly extensive)? I ask because, you encounter some negative material about your church and decide to resign. For most people that is no easy matter. Sometimes friendships are strained, family can become divided, and there's that personal admission to failure (I was wrong about God/Church).

A few months later, you feel drawn back by something you describe as "some odd reason." It's enough, after all that you must have went through to resign, to bring you back.

Perhaps you can flesh out the story a little more (without divulging too much personal information)? Was there a particular issue that you simply could not accept, that led to your resignation? A doctrine? Maybe somebody hurt you? And, whatever it is that is drawing you back...why is that drawing so strong that it trumps what made you left?

You do not have to share any of this of course. But, this outsider is curiuos, if you're willing to share.

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Perhaps you can flesh out the story a little more (without divulging too much personal information)? Was there a particular issue that you simply could not accept, that led to your resignation? A doctrine? Maybe somebody hurt you? And, whatever it is that is drawing you back...why is that drawing so strong that it trumps what made you left?

I wonder what more there is to the story, too, not that it changes what the answer is what he should do (good answers already given for that), but if you want to go back to the church, I think you better be honest w/yourself why you left in the first place so you don't repeat the same mistake. And, when you say you resigned ... did you just stop going or did you ask to have your name removed from the records? If the latter, you are like a new convert. That's actually a very special place to be, you can meet with the missionaries to go through the missionary lessons, but then again at some point you won't have that private close tutoring and will have to rely on your own testimony.
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Ben (or Palerider): Did you often find that people had resigned rashly, and were thankful that the paperwork had not yet been forwarded?

What is interesting is there are many who won't even turn in that letter to the Bishop in the first place. They'll get downright nasty to members of the church but won't have their name removed. My mother is in this boat. She wants nothing to do with the church, but she is not willing to have her name removed. It is as if she wants to keep a leg in, just in case.


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I was the same way a few years ago. I seriously considered taking my name off the records. I wasn't angry towards the church, but I wasn't attending. My wife (now my ex) wondered why I still had my name on their records. I sat down with my brother and talked about it. He said not to do it because it would break my parents hearts, and what harm is it doing by my name being on record. I'm glad for that advice now as I am fully active.

I hope everything works out for you MichaelPAGuy. This board is great for answering question we may feel too embarassed to ask someone in person.

Good Luck to you, and welcome back, if that's your choice.

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I have known several who after a cooling off period request that the letter be returned or thrown away. I know one or two that wanted it to be followed up with and submitted.

Interesting how many other religions keep people "On the books" but they never attend and the people, inactive member of said church, could care less.

Not sure what the big thing is about having name removed except it keeps home teachers and visiting teachers from calling.

Ben Raines

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Ben raises an interesting point. Some denominations have many more members than attenders. Others, like mine, usually have an attendence figure that is 150% of membership. We've even coined the term "adherents." Membership is discussed, but not stressed too much.

My guess as to why former LDS would want their names removed is that they have disavowed the movement as a whole, rather than simply leaving one ward for another one.

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Ben raises an interesting point. Some denominations have many more members than attenders. Others, like mine, usually have an attendence figure that is 150% of membership. We've even coined the term "adherents." Membership is discussed, but not stressed too much.

My guess as to why former LDS would want their names removed is that they have disavowed the movement as a whole, rather than simply leaving one ward for another one.

I did have my name removed from membership records. I grew up in the church since the age of 7. I am 29 now. However a few times I did go inactive but I always managed to return. I always had some sort of testimony but after reading and hearing all kinds of negative stuff about the church I guess I let it get the best of me. I feel that my testimony became weakened by this. I think I jumped the gun to early in resigning and did not think everyone through clearly. I think what is drawing me back is I still have some sort of testimony, although weakened, that this church is still true. I do have good memories of church growing up. Anything else you would like to know just ask, I am willing to share.

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Most Bishops when they get a resignation letter put it in their desk for six months and then check to confirm that is your wish. If confirmed after six months then paperwork is submitted to SLC.

Check with your Bishop as suggested earlier.

Ben Raines

you are right.....I always kept them in my desk for about 6 months....then filled out paperwork and submitted to the Stake President and they sent them to salt Lake....what I am tyring to find out from MPAguy is whether or not he recieved a letter back stating he was removed from the records. That Bishop might still have it in his desk.
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Most Bishops when they get a resignation letter put it in their desk for six months and then check to confirm that is your wish. If confirmed after six months then paperwork is submitted to SLC.

Check with your Bishop as suggested earlier.

Ben Raines

you are right.....I always kept them in my desk for about 6 months....then filled out paperwork and submitted to the Stake President and they sent them to salt Lake....what I am tyring to find out from MPAguy is whether or not he recieved a letter back stating he was removed from the records. That Bishop might still have it in his desk.

Yes I did receive my letter stating that my name was removed from membership records. I received it about 3 months ago.

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Most Bishops when they get a resignation letter put it in their desk for six months and then check to confirm that is your wish. If confirmed after six months then paperwork is submitted to SLC.

Check with your Bishop as suggested earlier.

Ben Raines

you are right.....I always kept them in my desk for about 6 months....then filled out paperwork and submitted to the Stake President and they sent them to salt Lake....what I am tyring to find out from MPAguy is whether or not he recieved a letter back stating he was removed from the records. That Bishop might still have it in his desk.

Yes I did receive my letter stating that my name was removed from membership records. I received it about 3 months ago.

as I mentioned earlier you need to go and see him now....and tell him how you feel and etc...

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I did have my name removed from membership records. I grew up in the church since the age of 7. I am 29 now. However a few times I did go inactive but I always managed to return. I always had some sort of testimony but after reading and hearing all kinds of negative stuff about the church I guess I let it get the best of me. I feel that my testimony became weakened by this. I think I jumped the gun to early in resigning and did not think everyone through clearly. I think what is drawing me back is I still have some sort of testimony, although weakened, that this church is still true. I do have good memories of church growing up. Anything else you would like to know just ask, I am willing to share.

Thanks for adding this, Michael. It does give me a better picture. To summarize, you've believed the church was true for most of your life, but always with somewhat wavering conviction. During one of your weaker periods, you encountered some compellling information critical of your church, and decided to pull out. Yet, you never fully lost confidence, and ultimately missed it. You figure (I'm assuming) that it is the Holy Spirit that keeps drawing you back, and so, the church, is indeed true.

There is a lesson for all of us here, me thinks. :idea: Rather than evangelicals or LDS trying to convert one another OUT of a supposedly deficient church or gospel belief, far better to prove the truth of our faith by our lives and our positive testimonies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought for those who are interested I would give a little update. I have met with the missionaries and am waiting to meet with the bishop and stake president concering myself wanting to come back to the church. I now regret my actions of resigning. I know that this is the lord's true church. We all make mistake's in life. I have learned from my mistake and hopefully will once again re-join the church.

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I thought for those who are interested I would give a little update. I have met with the missionaries and am waiting to meet with the bishop and stake president concering myself wanting to come back to the church. I now regret my actions of resigning. I know that this is the lord's true church. We all make mistake's in life. I have learned from my mistake and hopefully will once again re-join the church.

That is such awesome news Michael. I'm really really happy for you.

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I thought for those who are interested I would give a little update. I have met with the missionaries and am waiting to meet with the bishop and stake president concering myself wanting to come back to the church. I now regret my actions of resigning. I know that this is the lord's true church. We all make mistake's in life. I have learned from my mistake and hopefully will once again re-join the church.

Glad to hear it and I am happy for you..... :)
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My guess as to why former LDS would want their names removed is that they have disavowed the movement as a whole, rather than simply leaving one ward for another one.

The usual reason they want their named removed is to get rid of home teachers. You see, the Church is commanded by the LORD to visit the home of every member monthly, regardless. Priesthood holders are assigned families to visit each month.

I have been assigned two families that are completely inactive. Actually one of them came to Church once in the past couple of years, so we'll call them less active. It was after a lot of effort that we secured that one visit they made to Church. I visit that family every month and give them support, friendship, and a message. I love them, I have high hopes for them.

The other family I have that is inactive is a divorced man and his daughter. His former wife, a life long Mormon, insisted that he join the Church before she would commit to him. After some time he joined and fell in love with the LORD and the Gospel and the Church. He served well in the Church and he and his wife had a beautiful daughter. He is a good man.

All of that was dashed to pieces when he discovered his wife was cheating on him and doing drugs behind his back. She left him and her daughter in emotional ruins and ran off with a biker to live the wild life she'd always dreamed of. His embarrassment and pain was tremendous and he never came back to associate himself with the members of the ward in which his ex had grown up and in which he still lives.

I haven't been able to talk to him deeply enough to discover what his personal testimony is. He asked me never to return. I have honored his request.

However, the time will come that a new home teacher will be assigned to him. At that time, he'll get another visit. This will go on for as long as he lives unless he has his name removed from the records of the Church. Even if he moves, the Church will make efforts to find out his new location and assign him a home teacher in that ward. It is the commandment of the LORD and such practice has many times resulted in glorious and heartfelt conversions or re-conversions if you will.

There is a brand of people that go to extensive efforts to remain unknown to the home teachers (my mom is one) but they don't want their name removed from the records of the Church. But, there are others who do write that letter. However, the majority of persons who have been baptized in the LDS Church but who do not attend, accept home teachers and have at least some if not a great deal of belief in the LDS message. They are simply willing, but their flesh is weak so to speak.


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I have known several who after a cooling off period request that the letter be returned or thrown away. I know one or two that wanted it to be followed up with and submitted.

Hey there Ben, I have cousins that had their names taken off the records. They did come back and have been baptised again I am assuming a few years ago now, but just recently put them back on.

When I was in SLC I was told that even though you ask to have your name off the records that there is still a record. I believe that to be true although never saw a list. I believe that a record exists that says who you are where you live, when you where baptized, if you served on and on. If you did ask for you name to stay or not and when that person decided to rejoin. I think these lists or records are locked away somewhere. Such as historical research for family history.

It would be nice if a GA (general authority) could answer this one!

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Don't know that you need a General Authority to answer that one. Asking to have your name removed from the records of the church means that you no longer are on the record of the ward or stake where you live and that no home teachers or visiting teachers are assigned and that you are no longer a member of the church. It does not expunge your record from the church. Just because someone is no longer a member of the church the record does not change that shows they once were a member.

Some times it is harder to be rebaptized after requesting having your records removed than it is after excommunication. The first was your personal choice, the other was a disciplinary council decision.

Michael, I am sure you will have no trouble getting back in to the fold and welcome you on your journey to return.

Ben Raines

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Don't know that you need a General Authority to answer that one. Asking to have your name removed from the records of the church means that you no longer are on the record of the ward or stake where you live and that no home teachers or visiting teachers are assigned and that you are no longer a member of the church. It does not expunge your record from the church. Just because someone is no longer a member of the church the record does not change that shows they once were a member.

Some times it is harder to be rebaptized after requesting having your records removed than it is after excommunication. The first was your personal choice, the other was a disciplinary council decision.

Michael, I am sure you will have no trouble getting back in to the fold and welcome you on your journey to return.

Ben Raines

you are correct Ben....no need to have a General Authority answer that.
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