General Conference Recap: Priesthood Session

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President Nelson presided at this session with President Oaks conducting. Elder Gary E Stevenson Eleven-year-olds can now leave Primary, surprised (as are their parents) at suddenly being able to pass the sacrament. There are now nearly 80,000 new deacons. Welcome to the priesthood. This is the largest number ever to attend a priesthood session. Brother Stevenson addressed his comments to Aaronic priesthood holders. Many are competing in sports. Participating in sports takes talent, discipline and countless hours of practice, putting aside now for what they want in the future. Elder Stevenson cited Latter-day Saint priesthood holders in various sports—Jeremy Guthrie and Bryce Harper in baseball; Jabari Parker and Jimmer Fredette in basketball; Taysom Hill and Daniel Sorensen in football, and William Hopoate and Ricardo Rojas in soccer. He interviewed these players to find out about their "spiritual playbook" as priesthood holders. Athletes have plays in their playbooks. The playbooks contain specific assignments. They study and memorize where to go and what to do. A quorum can be equated to a team. The...

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