Why Do Some Spouses Cheat Even When They Say They Love You

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Few things are more devastating than learning that a partner’s been unfaithful. You commit yourself, your life, your time, your energy, and your heart to someone, and they betray all of it. How could they do this? Especially when they say they're sorry and that they love you. If they loved you, wouldn't they not have cheated? The thing to recognize, right out of the gate, is that affairs happen for many reasons, and your spouse's thought process may not be what you think it was. Of course, what they did was wrong. Period. But does your spouse legitimately care about you? How did this happen? Can you trust that they’ll never do this again? Let’s break these questions down. Do They Legitimately Care About You? Photo by mali maeder from Pexels On the surface, it seems that the answer is no, or at least he/she didn’t care about you more than themselves since they did something so selfish and damaging to you and your relationship. That answer, though valid, doesn’t speak...

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