All My Life Lessons, I Learned from Laman and Lemuel

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Okay, maybe not ALL my life lessons. They definitely didn't teach me how to calculate a tip or change a tire (which I still can't do, to be totally honest, because I have the upper body strength of a newborn mouse). Honestly, Laman and Lemuel could be pretty bad dudes and, at first glance, it may seem like there's not a whole lot to learn from their examples. But even still, I did learn a few ("I learned a few of my life lessons from Laman and Lemuel" wasn't as catchy of a title, okay?) of my most important life lessons from them. Namely, they taught me that so much of life and the joy that we find in it boils entirely down to our attitude. Making the Right Choices Someone needs to add an inch or two to Nephi's outfit... via The Living Scriptures When I think of Laman and Lemuel, I won't lie — the first thing that comes to my mind is the Living Scriptures depiction of them......

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Sorry, Amy, this is a bit of a pet peeve topic for me. Laman and Lemuel didn't just have a bad attitude. They hit Nephi and they tied him up. Stop and think about that for a minute. Imagine that your adult children tied up one of their siblings. Now a days we'd call that assault. Why didn't Lehi intercede on the boat when that happened? Either he was too old or too afraid of them. That is serious.  Eventually things got so bad that Laman and Lemuel were plotting to kill their father. Eventually Nephi and those who followed him had to flee for their own safety. 

I've heard members in Sunday School similarly give Laman and Lemuel a pass "they just murmured, we've all done that" is one of the things I've heard. I wonder if those people finished reading the Book of Nephi.  

Why are people so willing to wink at Laman and Lemuel we don't give a pass so easily to the brothers of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and they at least repented. I base my opinion that they repented on Joseph's acceptance of them at the end.  Nephi didn't get that chance he had to run for his life and the resulting family died lasted literally hundreds of years.  Laman and Lemuel were seriously dangerous people, not wayward teens. 

Edited by LiterateParakeet
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